Do you want an amazing smile? Austin teeth whitening may be just what the dentist ordered. Dazzling white teeth will make you look young, healthy, and vibrant. Imagine feeling great about sharing your smile with everyone, every day!
If your teeth are tarnished, whether by age, medications, heredity, or foods, consider contemporary teeth whitening. In just one visit, your smile could shine up to 8 or 10 shades brighter. Austin cosmetic dentist Dr. Helen Ragsdale offers in-office LaserSmile™ and Zoom! Whitening™.

If you prefer to whiten your teeth gradually, over the course of a few weeks, you might prefer Dr. Ragsdale’s prescription-grade home whitening kits, including Turbo At-Home. Dentist- administered home whitening kits yield results that rival one-visit whitening. If you’re not sure which type of whitening solution is best for your smile, talk with Dr. Ragsdale during a cosmetic dentistry consultation.
Can amazing smiles help in a job interview?
According to a study by Kelton Research, people are more appealing to potential employers. After teeth whitening, participants in the study were more likely to land a job and receive a higher salary than those who did not undergo teeth whitening prior to interviews.
Will teeth whitening make you more attractive?
In a poll by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, researchers found that people with an attractive smile are considered more intelligent, successful, and friendly.
Do you want to whitening your teeth now?
With a conveniently located dental office in Austin, Dentist Dr. Helen Ragsdale is accepting new patients right now. Call 512-346-4690 to reserve your appointment. You deserve a bold, beautiful, BRILLIANT, Amazing Smile!