TMJ Treatment Pain Relief From Austin Dentist
Do you live with headaches, neck pain, or unexplained ringing in your ears? Have you noticed chipped or broken teeth and wondered what on earth happened? If so, you may be one of the 10 million people in this country experiencing TMJ dysfunction. Also called TMD, this condition can cause chronic discomfort, lost productivity, and a decline in your active lifestyle. Dr. Helen Ragsdale at Austin Laser Dentist can relieve TMJ pain and restore damaged teeth.
Understanding TMJ
Located below the ear on each side of your head, the temporomandibular joints, or jaw joints, play an essential role in your ability to eat, speak, and move your mouth. These joints can become misaligned due to stress, injury, clenching and grinding (bruxism), hereditary factors, or other disruptions to the complex chewing system.
TMJ Cause and Effect
If the jaw joints aren’t working properly, they cause stress to associated nerves and muscles. Resulting muscle fatigue then causes an imbalance in the whole system. Often, patients experience pain or other unpleasant symptoms without realizing the source of the problems.
Fifteen percent of Americans suffer from chronic facial pain,
according to the American Dental Association.
TMJ Symtoms
Though every person is different, common symptoms of TMJ dysfunction include:
- Headaches or migraines
- An unbalanced bite
- Toothwear or breakage
- Clicking or popping of the jaw
- Earaches or ringing in the ears
- Difficulty chewing
- Jaw tenderness
- Limited range of opening and closing
- Teeth grinding or clenching
- Face, neck, shoulder, or low back pain
- Tingling extremities
TMJ Treatment Options
Dr. Ragsdale will complete an evaluation of your whole mouth to look for signs of TMJ dysfunction. After confirming the diagnosis, she will review treatment options with you. Non-surgical therapy may involve anti-inflammatory medications to reduce swelling, exercise to strengthen muscles, or habit changes (like no gum chewing). Often, a night guard or sleep guard is recommended. This custom appliance is a comfortable way to keep the jaw joints in proper position while you sleep. It will also alleviate any clenching or grinding of teeth during sleep. Eating soft foods, using hot or cold packs, and avoiding extreme movements can also help improve your condition.
Repairing TMJ Damaged Teeth
Once Dr. Ragsdale addresses TMJ dysfunction, she can focus on restoring damage caused by the condition. Rebuilding your bite may include crowning back teeth to build them up where they’ve worn down over the years. Once your bite is back on track, you may not have to wear your night guard. In some cases, though, patients continue to use a night guard for life.
For a comfortable, healthy smile, call our office and schedule a consultation with Dr. Ragsdale to discuss TMJ treatment. With offices in Austin and Round Rock, Austin Laser Dentist serves the greater Austin metropolitan area.