Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

4 Common Dental Implant Myths

Patients who are missing one or several teeth may be weighing the different options that exist to replace them. Many patients believe dental implants are not an option for them because they are costly. Plus, other treatments are just as effective. Are these assumptions  true? Not necessarily.

Here are the facts about four common dental implant myths: 

Myth #1: Dental implants are an unproven procedure.

Dental implants are considered one of the most successful options available for tooth restoration today. In fact, the success rate of dental implant procedures is a whopping 98%.

Myth #2: Traditional dentures are just as effective as dental implants.

Traditional, removable dentures have been used as a restorative solution for decades. For many of those decades, they were the only option. Today, many dentists continue to offer them because they are an affordable, efficient solution for missing teeth. However, dentures are adept at restoring appearance but with limited functionality. Implant-supported prostheses  reestablish the appearance AND full functionality of the mouth.

Traditional dentures are not permanent. Because they are supported only by the gums, their fit loosens over time. As a result, dentures move and sometimes slip out when a patient is eating or speaking, leading to embarrassing moments. Foods that are hard and chewy also need to be avoided when wearing dentures as they are not as durable as implants.

A dental implant becomes a permanent part of the patient’s mouth and functions just as a natural tooth does. There is no risk of it slipping out while eating or chewing, and no reason to avoid favorite foods.

Dental implants can be used to stabilize dentures and in fact, many patients choose that option. The result is a natural, stable prosthesis that does not shift out of place.

Myth #3: Missing teeth don’t really need to be replaced.

All elements, from the smallest to the largest, of oral health work in harmony. If one element is missing or dysfunctional, it can lead to adverse conditions. 

When tooth roots are present, they send signals to jaw nerves to keep the jawbone dense and healthy. When a tooth is removed, the jawbone in that area no longer receives those signals. This results in bone deterioration over time. If the condition is left untreated noticeable changes in facial features can occur, including sagging skin around the jaw and an unhealthy appearance. It can also have a significant effect on chewing function and overall oral health.

Myth #4: Dental implants are unaffordable.

It is true that patients who choose dental implants will be making a significant investment. The total cost of treatment for a dental implant will vary depending on several factors, including:

  • Number of implants needed
  • Materials chosen
  • Experience of the dental professional

Dentists can help determine a treatment plan that fits both a patient’s needs and their budget. Dental implant procedures are not covered by most dental insurance companies, but financing options are available. 

Our dentist, Dr. Helen Ragsdale, works with CareCredit®, a leading healthcare payment program. CareCredit offers a range of monthly payments that allow patients to immediately begin treatment. With CareCredit, there are no fees, prepayment penalties, up-front costs, or interest.

It’s also important to note that while upfront costs of dental implants are more significant than those of other solutions, dental implants are permanent restorative options. Dental bridges, for example, may be less expensive initially but have to be replaced every 5-15 years, possibly making that option more costly over time.

The Best Dental Implant Care in Austin, TX

Dr. Ragsdale and our team at Austin Laser Dentist are committed to providing the highest quality dental care to each patient. Call 512 346-4690 or schedule your consultation online today to see how we can help you restore your beautiful smile.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+