Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

5 Benefits of Restorative Dentistry

woman holding picture of beautiful smile in front of her faceOur smiles are one of our most visible physical attributes. The benefits of healthy teeth goes beyond physical looks, though. When teeth become damaged, the results can have significant health implications. Restorative dentistry focuses on repairing or replacing damaged or decayed teeth. If you are interested in having the perfect smile, contact Dr. Helen Ragsdale at (512) 346-4690 to schedule an examination at Austin Laser Dentist in Austin, TX. Here are just a few of the benefits of restorative dentistry.

#1: Improved Chewing Function

The act of chewing is a complex balancing act that requires close coordination between the jaw, teeth, and tongue to ensure that food is properly ground and crushed before being digested. When food is not properly chewed, choking and digestive problems may occur. Over reliance on one side of the mouth due to pain from a damaged tooth is one common cause of impaired chewing function. (Some patients experience improvements in speech following the dental restoration procedure.) Restorative dentistry is one way to help restore chewing ability.

#2: Reduced Jaw Discomfort

Misaligned teeth can cause a number of oral problems ranging from jaw pain and stiffness of the jaw muscles to persistent teeth clicking and unintentional self-biting of the gums. In some cases, the discomfort can even lead to recurrent headaches and trouble sleeping. Austin Laser Dentist offers several procedures to help realign teeth and end discomfort. Those options include fillings, dental implants, bridges, crowns, and teeth straightening.

#3: Long-term Cost Savings and Preservation of Bone Structure

The preferred outcome for any dental procedure is to preserve all or part of a tooth when possible. Dental crowns (caps) preserve damaged teeth by physically encasing the remaining structure. The crowns are designed to maintain the natural look and feel of the tooth they are capped onto.

A healthy smile speaks volumes. It is commonly associated with health, happiness, and beauty. While not every part of our bodies can go through life appearing ageless, our teeth can. Whether you’re looking to close gaps between your teeth, restore chipped teeth, or cover stains, the staff at Austin Laser Dentist has the right options for you.

#4: Look Younger

It’s no wonder models and celebrities pay special attention to their smiles. Studies have shown that the appearance of our teeth is a key factor in how age is perceived. One study conducted by Oral B found that a healthy smile can add or subtract five years to your “age.”

#5: Improved Appearance

The shape, evenness, and color of your teeth define how “healthy” your smile appears to others. Having the assuredness to smile wide and show your pearly whites can be a boost to your self-confidence. It can also influence how old you look. Dr. Ragsdale’s dental office provides a variety of procedures that can restore and improve the appearance of your teeth. Discoloration can result from years of drinking coffee and tea or simply for genetic reasons. Austin Laser Dentist offers one-hour Laser Whitening. The process is no mere whitewashing. A beautiful smile must appear natural. Dr. Ragsdale and her staff approach each laser whitening treatment mindful of the patient’s natural skin tone in order to ensure that the results complement the surrounding facial features.

Rejuvenate Your Smile With Restorative Dentistry in Austin, TX

Are you interested in learning more about restorative dentistry? Call Dr. Helen Ragsdale at (512) 346-4690 to arrange for an appointment.





Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+