Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

5 Proven Ways to Prolong the Life of Your Dental Veneers

A beautiful smile following restorative dentistry treatments in Austin, TX

Dental veneers are a popular cosmetic dentistry choice for achieving that perfect set of pearly whites. These thin dental prosthetics stick to the front surface of imperfect teeth, renewing patients’ smiles and boosting their confidence. 

Are dental flaws keeping you from sharing your smile? Dr. Helen Ragsdale at Austin Laser Dentist can help you explore cosmetic treatments to enhance and strengthen your smile. Contact our dentist in Austin, TX, at (512) 346-4690 to learn more about your options today! 

While veneers can last for at least a decade, these dental prosthetics require proper care to ensure they last as long as possible. Here are five proven ways to make your dental veneers last longer.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

The key to a long-lasting smile is excellent oral hygiene. This means brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing daily to help prevent plaque buildup. 

Use a toothbrush with soft bristles and gentle,non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid scraping the surface of veneers. And don’t forget to schedule regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings to detect and address any potential issues before they escalate.

Be Mindful of Your Diet

It’s essential to be mindful of your diet to prevent damage to your investment. So, be cautious with hard, sticky, and crunchy foods that could lead to chipping, cracking, or dislodging. 

Limiting sugar consumption is also important. A nutrient-rich, low-sugar diet keeps cavities and gum disease at bay, helping you get the most out of veneer treatment.

Kick Bad Habits

If you tend to bite your nails, chew on ice, or use your teeth as tools, it’s time to break those habits. 

These actions can exert unnecessary pressure on the dental prosthetics, increasing the risk of damage. Similarly, if you grind your teeth at night, consider using a night guard to protect both your natural teeth and veneers from the effects of bruxism.

Protect Your Smile During Physical Activities

Accidents happen, and a mouthguard can be an effective preventive measure to avoid chipping, cracking, or dislodging your veneers. 

Whether you’re playing contact sports or engaging in recreational activities, protecting your smile is an investment in the longevity of your dental work.

Regularly Update Your Oral Care Products

Over time, toothbrushes and other oral care products can wear down, leading to decreased effectiveness and potential damage to veneers. So, be sure to replace your toothbrush regularly.

For further protection, choose products that are recommended by your dentist. Never use whitening toothpaste on veneers, as the abrasive ingredients can damage the surface of the prosthetic. And consider investing in an electric toothbrush to get a gentler and more thorough cleaning.

Learn More about Porcelain Veneers in Austin, TX

While these prosthetics can be a life-changing investment in your smile, they require proper care and maintenance to ensure their lifespan. By following the advice above, you can keep your smile looking and functioning at its best for years to come

If you’d like to learn more about veneer treatment in Austin, TX, contact Austin Laser Dentist today. You can request a consultation online anytime, or you can ring our front desk at (512) 346-4690 for more information. 


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+