Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

9 Benefits to Choosing Composite Bonding

Want an enhanced smile without the need for orthodontics? Searching for an alternative to porcelain veneers? Depending upon your situation, you may be a strong candidate for composite bonding. This treatment relies on resin material to help create a new smile. Much like veneers, composite bonding transforms the look of slightly crooked, damaged, or discolored teeth to give the illusion of a whiter, more perfect smile. Contact Dr. Helen Ragsdale at (512) 346-4690 to schedule an examination. You may only be one appointment away from enjoying the nine advantages to choosing composite bonding.

1. Composite bonding works for a variety of patients.

Have a slight gap in your teeth? Maybe your teeth are just slightly turned or chipped. These are usually ideal concerns that can potentially be fixed with composite bonding. Many people with only minor smile imperfections are candidates for composite bonding as long as they do not present untreated gum disease or another uncontrolled oral health issue.

2. Composite bonding is a fast treatment.

In most cases, composite bonding treatment requires around 30-60 minutes per tooth. The dentist prepares the tooth to accept the composite resin and then bonds the liquid resin to the tooth. After polishing the composite resin to a natural looking shine, the patient is free to leave. Imagine the excitement of walking into our Austin, TX, office with one smile and leaving with another!

3. Composite bonding is more affordable than some other cosmetic treatments.

If you are concerned about affordability, cosmetic bonding can be a practical treatment decision. Although composite bonding outcomes do not last as long as porcelain veneers do, composite bonding costs about half as much per tooth. Need more specific estimates for your specific situation? Talk to our office about financing your treatment at your appointment.

4. Composite bonding lasts many years.

Want to ensure that your smile looks great for as long as possible? With proper care, composite bonding to last for up to 10 years. This gives you peace of mind and allows you to simply love your beautiful new smile for many years.

5. Composite bonding is usually non-invasive.

Although there are times when Dr. Ragsdale may have to slightly prepare patients’ teeth for composite bonding procedures, she rarely has to use drills or numbing agents. Many patients appreciate not needing invasive procedures, especially individuals who present dental anxiety.

6. Composite bonding offers lifelike results.

Worried that your enhanced teeth may stand out after composite bonding? Dr. Ragsdale will help choose the perfect shade for your new smile so your teeth match. One tooth should never be distinguishable from the others.

7. Composite bonding works for younger patients.

Patients who have an unappealing “baby” tooth can still get the benefit of composite bonding. In fact, composite bonding is a great cosmetic dentistry treatment for patients without mature teeth.

8. Composite bonding offers easy care.

Teeth that have undergone composite bonding do not need much extra care. Just brush and floss normally, and always keep your follow-up appointments with Dr. Ragsdale. Be aware that if you habitually bite your nails, grasp objects with your teeth, or grind your teeth, you may damage the bonded teeth and require replacement bonding. You should also limit your consumption of stain-causing foods and beverages.

9. Composite bonding offers a high candidacy rate.

Patients who cannot safely undergo other types of smile treatments can usually be considered for composite bonding treatments. This comes as a relief for individuals who thought their dream smile was just that – a dream.

Revive Your Smile With Composite Bonding in Austin, TX

Are you interested in learning more about composite bonding for one or more of the teeth that show when you smile? Call Dr. Helen Ragsdale at (512) 346-4690 to arrange for an appointment.

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Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+