Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

How To Fix A Chipped Tooth

blue outline of a chipped tooth on a white background

We’ve all been there. You’re throwing a frisbee with your child, you become momentarily distracted, and the frisbee hits you right in the mouth, chipping one of your teeth. This is an unfortunate but common problem. Chewing on hard foods, car accidents, and other sports injuries can and do result in chipped teeth. Thankfully, whether the chip is big or small, your Austin, TX dentist offers solutions, such as composite bonding, crowns, and veneers to address a broken tooth.

Dr. Helen Ragsdale, our esteemed Austin Laser Dentist, provides gentle dental care and technologically advanced treatments to residents of the Austin, TX area. She has provided trusted oral care for over twenty years. To receive treatment for your chipped tooth, contact our friendly staff today at 512-346-4690.

At-Home Care

Before calling Dr. Ragsdale, you should take these precautions:

  • Rinse your mouth with warm water
  • Apply a cold compress to decrease swelling
  • Wrap the broken piece of tooth in a wet gauze (if you have it)

Once you have taken these steps, call your Austin dentist for further instructions. Depending on your circumstances, she may suggest that you immediately visit our office.

During your emergency visit, Dr. Ragsdale may suggest any of these dental solutions:

Composite Bonding

Composite bonding, (cosmetic dental bonding) is a conservative and low-cost treatment to repair small chips. Dr. Ragsdale will use a tooth-colored composite resin to reshape your broken tooth. Your Austin dentist will begin the composite bonding process by prepping the surface of your teeth with a special etching liquid. This step allows the composite material to bond strongly to your tooth’s enamel. Next, she will artfully place the resin before hardening it with a special light.

Dental Crown

If composite bonding can’t address your oral health needs, Dr. Ragsdale may suggest a dental crown. The prosthetic is made from, porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) or porcelain. Dental crowns protect your natural tooth structure against further damage or decay.

At Austin Laser Dentist, we suggest porcelain crowns as a natural-looking and effective way to preserve your tooth. Unlike metal or PFM crowns, porcelain is hypoallergenic and doesn’t cause sensitivity or allergic reactions. Learn more about our porcelain crowns and the placement process.


Veneers are the smile-brightening treatment of choice for many Hollywood celebrities. For a chipped front tooth, dental veneers offer long-lasting, aesthetically pleasing solution. Veneers are basically a shell that is made from porcelain or composite material that covers your natural tooth.

The treatment process requires that Dr. Ragsdale carefully removes enamel from the front surface of the chipped tooth. She will make an impression of your damaged tooth and send it to a dental lab to create a custom veneer. Once your veneers arrive at our office, a second visit will be scheduled. During your second visit, Dr. Ragsdale will ensure that your veneer is a perfect fit.

Contact Austin Laser Dentist Today

When left untreated, a chipped tooth is more vulnerable to decay and other dental problems. To schedule your next visit, contact our friendly staff today at 512-346-4690 to schedule an appointment.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+