Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

How Do Cavities Form? Austin Dentist Answers!

Also called tooth decay or dental caries, cavities afflict 99% of humans. The only way to restore tooth decay is with professional dental care. Usually a dental filling or crown is sufficient to repair a tooth with mild to moderate decay. But how do cavities form, and can they be prevented? What if they become severe?

In today’s blog, the Austin Laser Dentist team explains everything you need to know about tooth decay, cavity prevention, and restoring decayed teeth. If you have a toothache or need to schedule a checkup and cleaning, call us today at 512-346-4690.

Starches, Bacteria, and Acid

Starches, including sugar, feed bacteria that cause cavities. When you consume a starch, bad oral bacteria metabolize the sugars and create an acid in a process called fermentation. 

Acids erode tooth enamel, even though it’s the hardest substance our bodies create. Acids leech enamel-strengthening minerals like calcium and phosphorus from tooth enamel, leaving it soft and vulnerable to bacterial infection. This process is known as demineralization. 

DID YOU KNOW: Half of kids develop cavities in their baby teeth, and over half of adolescents have cavities in permanent teeth. 

How Cavities Form

Without intervention, demineralization leads to bacterial decay of tooth enamel. Bacteria eat away tooth structure, leaving black or brown cavities behind. Some cavities occur between teeth or at the gum line, in which case they are not visible to the naked eye. X-rays help Dr. Ragsdale diagnose hidden tooth decay and the extent of damage.

Teeth are layered: strong enamel on the outside; sensitive, soft dentin below the enamel; and the sealed core of the tooth that holds the pulp, which comprises connective tissues and the tooth’s nerve. When decay eats through enamel, a toothache usually develops. If decay extends to the tooth’s core, as bacteria reproduce pressure intensifies on the tooth’s nerve. At this point, a root canal procedure can save the tooth from extraction and stop the infection. The toothache may become persistent and acute, even interfering with sleep and work.

However, without professional dental restoration tooth decay can lead to tooth, gum tissue, and jawbone necrosis (death). Once this occurs, oral surgery may be required to restore good oral health and comfortable oral function. 

Cavity Prevention

Now that you know how cavities form, reduce your risk for tooth decay by following these tips:

  1. Brush for two minutes using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste, once in the morning and once before bed.
  2. Floss before bedtime brushing, using thread floss or a disposable, pre-threaded flosser. 
  3. To further reduce oral bacteria, add antibacterial mouthwash and a tongue scraper to your dental care arsenal. 
  4. Drink at least eight glasses of water per day and rinse with water after meals and snacks.
  5. Reduce or eliminate sugar and starch from your diet. 
  6. Don’t let starches linger in the mouth. When enjoying a beverage use a straw to reduce contact time between sugar and tooth enamel.
  7. Reduce acid consumption, like citrus fruits, acidic beverages, and carbonated as well as sports drinks. 
  8. If you suffer from dry mouth or bad breath, chew sugarless gum or suck on sugarless mints. 
  9. Visit Dr. Helen Ragsdale every six months for a comprehensive oral checkup and cleaning. 
  10. To keep cavities from progressing, complete the treatment plan recommended by Dr. Ragsdale. 
  11. Children can opt for dental sealants to protect molars from decay. 
  12. Adults and kids can benefit from professional fluoride treatments. Fluoride attracts phosphorus and calcium to remineralize tooth enamel.

Six-Month Checkups and Cleanings Deter Cavities

Call Austin Laser Dentist now at 512-4690 to schedule your six-month checkup and cleaning so that Dr. Ragsdale can diagnose the cause of your toothache. Dr. Ragsdale also offers second opinions as well, so if your dentist provided a diagnosis or treatment plan that you’re uncomfortable with, call us. We file most insurance claims, offer financing options, and are now accepting new patients.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+