Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Aesthetic Dentistry Gives You a Reason to Smile!

aesthetic dentistryYou practice good personal hygiene, style your hair and choose your clothes with care—but when was the last time you thought about how your smile looks? Good daily oral hygiene and routine dental care are often enough to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. However, healthy teeth don’t always look as beautiful as we would like. Sometimes it takes a little aesthetic dentistry to make your smile glow.

Few of us have a smile as bright as those we see on TV, because many of our favorite foods and beverages leave pigment stains on the teeth. With time, even strong tooth enamel can become worn away by the acids we consume every day. Even teeth that received orthodontic treatments in the past can shift out of alignment, given enough time. You can take steps to counteract the visible impact of time on your smile, with aesthetic cosmetic dentistry treatments.

Would you like to learn more about aesthetic dentistry? Austin TX dentist Dr. Helen Ragsdale uses modern cosmetic dentistry techniques to transform smiles and help patients feel more confident and attractive. Call us at 512-346-4690 to set up a consultation.

Aesthetic Dentistry is Safe and Effective

Many conscientious patients pay close attention to the health of their teeth, but mistakenly assume that cosmetic treatments may damage their oral health. The truth is that cosmetic and general dentistry have advanced side-by-side. As science has invented new, better ways to protect and restore teeth, we have also developed safe ways to make teeth look more beautiful. As oral health professionals, we would never provide treatments that have a detrimental effect on the health of your teeth or gums.

If you’ve ever wished your healthy smile looked whiter or brighter, Helen Ragsdale, DDS, provides several safe cosmetic dentistry techniques you may wish to learn about. These techniques allow us to target the flaws that prevent you from loving your smile, giving you only the improvements you want.

Professional Teeth Whitening

Many patients use whitening toothpastes or strips at home, but no over-the-counter products work as effectively or as predictably as professional whitening treatments. Dr. Ragsdale offers several whitening treatment options, which means you can lighten your smile gradually over a period of weeks, in the comfort of your own home—or all at once. With one-day Zoom whitening, pigment stains are removed all in one visit, leaving the teeth up to nine shades lighter.

Treatments for Cracked, Chipped, and Fractured Teeth

There are many ways to restore a tooth that’s sustained structural damage. Whether a tooth has been chipped, cracked, or eroded by acidic foods and beverages, there is a conservative treatment option that can make your tooth look and feel whole again. A dental crown can restore a single tooth, as can cosmetic bonding, or porcelain veneers.

Aesthetic Gum Reshaping

Some patients look at their smile and wish they had been given less gum tissue and more tooth. This is sometimes referred to as a “gummy” smile, and it has an easy solution: laser gum contouring. Also called “crown lengthening” or “gum lift,” this treatment aesthetically reshapes the gum line to create a more harmonious balance of tooth enamel and gum tissue. Since major changes in appearance can be achieved with only minimal reshaping, this procedure is far more conservative than traditional gum surgery.

Comprehensive Smile Makeovers

If you are not happy with your smile, visit Austin Laser Dentist Helen Ragsdale and we’ll schedule a smile makeover for you. During this appointment, you will tell us what you don’t like about your smile, and we will explain the cosmetic treatment options available. Smile makeovers often consist of multiple treatments, used conservatively, to create a smile you will feel great about sharing with the world. Patients are always the guiding factor for a smile makeover, and you decide how big or small you want the changes to be.

Call our office to learn more about aesthetic dentistry, Austin TX. Helen Ragdale, DDS will help you uncover your best smile and feel confident again. Call us at 512-346-4690 to schedule an appointment.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+