Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Are Dental Implants Right For Me?

Are dental implants right for me?

Dental Implants are highly regarded as one of the best forms of restorative treatment. This incredible technology can help patients replace one or more missing teeth. Even patients without any teeth can benefit from implant-supported dentures. 

The first step in the dental implant journey is establishing if you are a good candidate. Dr. Helen Ragsdale, a dentist in Austin, TX, can examine your smile to determine if dental implants are the best option for you. This process is simple! Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation. 

Here are the three key factors involved in determining if dental implants are right for you:  

  1. Health background

Many patients with dental implants come from varied health backgrounds. The importance of sharing all health information with Dr. Ragsdale is so that she can understand how any overall health problems might contribute to unfavorable oral conditions. Certain health issues are especially important to note:

  • Heart disease
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer

Some conditions and medications may not seem like a big deal but they can contribute to dry mouth, slower healing times, and sporadic bleeding. So it is important to communicate everything. A health condition does not automatically disqualify anyone from getting dental implants but it is an important aspect for the doctor and patient to consider together. 

  1. Healthy gums

Healthy gums are a very important factor when it comes to the consideration of dental implants. In short, healthy gums mean healthy bone! 

Dr. Ragsdale and her team regularly treat and help to prevent periodontal disease (or disease of the gums) with advanced laser treatment and technology. 

Periodontal disease is a bacteria that gets trapped below the gums and this bacteria can erode bone over time. Loss of bone will ultimately contribute to tooth loss. It is very important to evaluate and know a patient’s periodontal status when considering dental implants. 

  1. Healthy bones

Healthy bone structure is a critical component in determining if dental implants are the right choice for a patient. 

When evaluating a patient’s periodontal status, special measurements will be taken to determine if a patient has healthy bone levels. Dental implants are placed directly into the bone and over time will fuse together with the bone, much like the original tooth structure. 

This strong structure provides the opportunity to replace missing teeth with prostheses such as crowns, bridges, and even dentures.

Consider This: Are dental implants safe?

Yes! They are very safe and effective! Dental implants have a success rate of over 95% and it is estimated by 2026 23% of the population will have them. Dental implants do not only replace missing teeth but they also contribute to many other healthy oral conditions. 

Conditions such as occlusion (how the upper and lower jaw come together), tooth alignment, the ability to properly chew food and digestion, and even the physical appearance can all be improved with dental implants.

Austin, TX Dental Implants

Dr. Ragsdale and her team are skilled in dental implants and restorations. Using laser treatment and advanced technology, they proudly serve Austin and its surrounding communities. Call us today at 512-346-4690 to schedule a consultation or schedule your appointment online and start your journey towards a more beautiful and healthy smile!

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Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+