Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Are there alternatives to traditional dentures?

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Millions of Americans become new denture-wearers every year. Still, there are many who wish there were alternatives to traditional, removable dentures. At Austin Laser Dentist, Dr. Helen Ragsdale works with patients to craft a solution that is right for them.

About Traditional Dentures

Traditional, removable dentures are by far the most common solution for missing teeth. They are relatively cost-effective. Traditional dentures start at about $300

They also can take a relatively short time to get fitted for. After a patient’s gums heal from a tooth extraction (if necessary) and an impression of the patient’s mouth is taken, the impressions are sent to a dental lab to be created. When they arrive back at the dentist’s office, the patient has a final fitting, then leaves with his new teeth. The entire process can take three to twelve weeks to complete.

The most common complaints about dentures are that: 

  • Traditional dentures require adhesive to remain in place in your mouth. 
  • Extensive wear of traditional dentures can cause your jaw to shrink, making the dentures feel loose and rub painfully on the gums. 
  • Because dentures don’t support jawbone regeneration, denture-wearers often experience facial sagging. 

What are alternative to traditional dentures?

There are several good alternatives to traditional or removable dentures, including implant-supported dentures and dental bridges. 

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures look and feel like natural teeth. The wearer does not have to forgo any of her favorite foods as she would more fragile removable dentures. They also promote healthy jawbone creation.

They can, however, be costly with each implant costing between $1,600 and $2,200.

Because the process involves pulling teeth, allowing the gums to heal and then placing the implants, it can also be lengthy. The average duration of the implant-supported denture process can be anywhere from six months to a year.

All-on-4 is another type of implant-supported denture. But while traditional implant-supported dentures may require that 6-8 implants be installed, All-on-4 requires only four.

Dental Bridges

Another common alternative to removable dentures is a dental bridge.

Dental bridges consist of two dental crowns and up to three prosthetic teeth in a row. The crowns attach to the patient’s natural teeth to secure the prosthetic ones in place. With proper dental care, dental bridges remain durable and stable. 

Why are traditional bridges better than traditional dentures? 

  • Dental bridges are secured to neighboring teeth and therefore do not move, fall out, or require messy adhesives to remain in place.
  • Traditional dentures need to be removed nightly and soaked in cleaning solution while care for a dental bridge is very similar to care for natural teeth. Daily brushing and flossing will do.
  • It is recommended that traditional dentures be replaced between 5 and 10 years. But with proper care and regular checkups it is not unheard of for a dental bridge to last over 10 years.

Dental bridges, can, however, put natural teeth at risk. Healthy tooth structure needs to be removed from adjacent teeth so the crowns can be placed. The stress of supporting a replacement tooth or teeth can cause the neighboring teeth to fail.

Tooth Replacement Options in Austin, TX

Whatever your needs are, Dr. Ragsdale at Austin Laser Dentist can help you find the best solution. Call (512) 346-4690 for a free consultation or conveniently schedule an appointment online today.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+