Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Austin, Texas Dentistry: 5 Causes of Bad Breath

man smoking in park

Bad breath is something we’ve all faced at one point or another. Whether it’s the aftermath of a garlic-heavy meal or just a mystery funk that refuses to budge, the whiff of bad breath can be a total downer. Our Austin, Texas, dentistry clinic is here to explore five reasons you might be experiencing bad breath and, more importantly, how you can send it packing.

If a persistent odor emanating from your mouth is keeping you down, it’s time to talk to a professional, like Dr. Helen Ragsdale. Our Austin, Texas, dentistry clinic has solutions for you. Contact Austin Laser Dentist today at (512) 346-4690 to see how we can help!

1. Food Frenzy: What You Eat Lingers On

Ever notice how certain foods seem to haunt your breath long after the meal is over? Garlic, onions, and spices are notorious for leaving a lingering smell. These culprits are broken down in your digestive system and release sulfur compounds that travel through your bloodstream and into your lungs, where they join your breath.

How to Freshen Up 

Because this kind of bad breath is due to digestion, the only real way to get rid of it is to wait until the sulfur compounds leave your system. So, just give it some time and continue brushing, flossing, and rinsing with minty mouthwash to keep your breath on point.

2. The Dry Mouth Dilemma: When Saliva Says Sayonara

Saliva naturally cleans your mouth, washing away food and bacteria to keep your breath fresh. But when your mouth dries up—whether it’s from sleeping with your mouth open, certain medications, or dehydration—bad breath can strike.

How to Freshen Up

According to our Austin, Texas, dentistry clinic, staying hydrated is the solution. So, drink lots of fresh water throughout the day and chew sugar-free gum or suck on sugar-free candies to stimulate saliva production.

3. Poor Oral Hygiene: The Sneaky Culprit

When you slack on brushing and flossing, food particles stay trapped between your teeth, on your tongue, and along your gum line. These particles become a playground for bacteria, which produce foul-smelling sulfur compounds.

How to Freshen Up 

Using a brush with soft bristles and a remineralizing toothpaste, clean your mouth twice daily for at least 120 seconds each time. Be sure to floss every day, and show your tongue some love, too!

4. Tobacco Troubles: Smoking’s Stinky Side Effect

Tobacco products dry out your mouth and leave behind an unpleasant odor. Plus, it makes you more prone to gum disease, which is another bad breath culprit.

How to Freshen Up

The best solution? Quit smoking. Not only will your breath improve, but your overall oral and general health will get a boost, too! 

5. Medical Conditions: When Bad Breath Isn’t Just About Your Mouth

Sometimes, bad breath is a symptom of something more serious. Conditions like sinus infections, diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and kidney or liver problems can all cause bad breath.

How to Freshen Up

If you suspect your bad breath is due to a medical condition, it’s important to talk to the team at our Austin, Texas, dentistry center or see your primary care provider. Treating the underlying issue will help alleviate the problem. 

Keep Your Mouth Seriously Fresh with Austin, Texas, Dentistry

Bad breath can be a real bummer, but by understanding the cause, you can take steps to freshen up. If you’re struggling with odorous breath, contact Dr. Helen Ragsdale at Austin Laser Dentist online or call (512) 346-4690 to get started.

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Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+