Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Is composite bonding right for you?

Is Composite Bonding Right For You?Composite bonding sounds complex, but it’s a simple dental procedure that can be completed in one appointment. Also known as dental bonding, it repairs the structure and appearance of teeth with the application of composite resin. During the procedure, Dr. Ragsdale will shape your tooth in preparation for bonding. Once applied, the resin will be hardened, or cured, with a blue light.

So how can you know if dental bonding is the right treatment for you? While bonding is a great option for treating several cosmetic dental issues, Dr. Ragsdale might recommend a veneer or dental crown instead. She’ll perform a thorough evaluation, discuss your goals and desires, then make a professional recommendation, based on your situation. If you live or work in the Austin area, contact Dr. Helen Ragsdale of Austin Laser Dentist at 512-346-4690 and book your consultation.

What does composite bonding treat?

The material dentists use for composite bonding closely mimics the color and texture natural tooth enamel. Generally, it is used to cover stains or replace part of a tooth, to create a more shapely and aesthetic result.

Bonding is used for these conditions:

• Cavities: composite fillings repair the hole left after a cavity is removed.
• Gaps between teeth: for particular cases, Dr. Ragsdale can close or reduce a gap between teeth, so that orthodontics are not necessary.
• Cracked or chipped teeth: damaged teeth can be quickly repaired, which may help protect against the need for future root canal or extraction.
• Surface stains or discoloration: a thin covering (or veneer) of composite can brighten the appearance of dulled or discolored teeth.
• Misshapen teeth: by carefully sculpting composite resin, the dentist can improve dental uniformity.

What are the advantages of composite resin over other treatment options?

If you have a cracked or chipped tooth, or want to improve a tooth’s shape or color, composite bonding is probably just one treatment option Dr. Ragsdale will recommend. As you decide on the best treatment option, consider these advantages.
With composite bonding, we preserve a maximum amount of natural, healthy tooth structure. To prep the tooth for bonding, the dentist will roughen, not remove, enamel. This is important because enamel protects your tooth’s vulnerable inner tissues; once it’s been removed, it can’t grow back. In contrast, porcelain veneers and crowns require some enamel removal before placement.
Bonding is also less expensive than veneers or crowns, and the procedure can be fully completed during one appointment. Veneers and crowns require at least two appointments and can cost many hundreds or thousands of dollars.

What are the disadvantages of composite bonding?

Composite bonding has its shortcomings. Although it can correct discoloration in a tooth, it is slightly softer than porcelain/ceramic, and so there is a chance that the composite could chip or crack with use. Bonding is not as long-lasting as a crown or veneer, either. Generally, bonding lasts about five to seven years. Crowns and veneers can last 15 to 20 years, or longer, in some cases.

To determine if composite bonding is right for you, look at what you want to achieve now, as well as your short-term and long-term goals. If cost and speed of treatment are more important to you, bonding might be a great treatment option. If you want to ensure a permanent fix, crowns or veneers may be the best. To ensure you’re satisfied with treatment results, talk through the options with Dr. Ragsdale before deciding.

To discuss a dental bonding or other cosmetic treatments with a gentle, caring, and experienced dentist in the Austin area, call 512-346-4690 and schedule a consultation at Austin Laser Dentist.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+