Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Cost Comparison: Dentures vs. Dental Implants

Cost Comparison of Dental Implants in Austin TX vs. Dentures

Dr. Helen Ragsdale offers different dental restorations to fit all of our patients’ budgets, aesthetic desires, and oral health needs. When tooth loss occurs, especially significant tooth loss, many patients worry about the costs of replacing their teeth. Our practice is pleased to offer both dentures and dental implants for the restoration of loss teeth. See below for a brief cost comparison of implants and dentures, and discover which treatment may meet your smile goals, while still fitting in your budget.

Looking for dentures or dental implants in Austin, TX? Dr. Helen Ragsdale, the Austin Laser Dentist, has over 30 years of experience helping patients just like you restore beautiful, full smiles after experiencing tooth loss. The best way to determine the treatment plan that’s right for you is to visit Dr. Ragsdale for a restorative consultation. Call us now to schedule your appointment at 512-346-4690.

Are restorative treatments covered by insurance?

First and foremost, we want to point out that if you have dental insurance, most restorative treatments such as dentures or dental implants, will be covered at least in part by your insurance policy. This is because restoring a full smile after tooth loss improves biting function and can prevent additional health complications down the road from tooth loss. Be sure to review your unique policy for coverage information, or call your insurance company’s information line to learn more about what could be covered, as well as more information on cost differences between in-network and out-of-network providers. In addition, we are proud to offer dental financing options that fit your lifestyle and budget. Easy applications and low to zero interest rates make them a great way to afford dental treatment without breaking the bank.

How much are dentures?

Traditional dentures are removable dental appliances that replace consecutive missing teeth (the cost of popular implant-supported dentures will more closely align with the cost of dental implants, however exact costs will vary). Unlike dental implants which are permanently fixed to the jawbone, dentures sit on top of the gums. Therefore, they can be removed for easy cleaning after meals or at night for a deeper clean and soak. Dentures last anywhere from five to 10 years.

Dentures are largely more affordable than implants, though the cost of both varies considerably based on individual providers, geographic location, and the extent of treatment needed, such as if you require partial dentures or full. With dentures, a range of quality and price levels allows patients to receive a solution that fits with their budget; however, just like with most things, the more costly treatments are often superior in aesthetics and function.

Dentures range in price from $300 to $5,000. On the lower end, plastic materials may significantly decrease the cost, but also the aesthetics. On the higher end, dentures are usually fabricated using extremely natural-looking and strong materials such as ceramic or porcelain. In the middle price range, patients can expect fairly aesthetic dentures with slightly less durability or strength.

How much are dental implants?

Dental implants are freestanding titanium posts that are surgically placed in the jaw to support restorations such as dental crowns, bridges, or implant-supported dentures. Often, dental implants can last a lifetime once placed.

The cost of implants varies significantly. This is because dental implants can often require additional procedures in order to prepare the jaw and mouth for implant placement, such as bone grafts or sinus lifts. The average cost of placing one dental implant can be anywhere from $1,600 to $2,200, not including the cost of the crown, bridge, or dentures that are affixed to the implant. Just as with dentures, your choice of dental provider, the number of implants needed, and the type of restoration placed on the implant can all influence final treatment costs.  

Which treatment should I choose?

Cost is an important factor in deciding which treatment to receive, but you should also consider the benefits of each treatment, as well as the shortcomings. Dental implants are largely considered the best treatment option for restoring missing teeth, but some patients are not candidates for implants due to bone loss or other pre-existing conditions. A consultation with Dr. Ragsdale can help you discover which treatment is best suited to your smile. Dr. Ragsdale has years of experience helping patients with each treatment, and can give you additional information to help you understand the treatment plan that will achieve your smile goals.

If you are in the Austin, TX area and are looking for an affordable and effective solution for missing teeth, contact Austin’s gentle dentist, Dr. Helen Ragsdale.

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Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+