Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Ease Your Fear of the Dentist with Sedation Dentistry in Austin, TX

sedation for dental anxietyDr. Helen Ragsdale helps patients feel calm and relaxed during dental visits. Even the most anxious person can enjoy a rewarding visit when sedation dentistry is administered. Whether you need extensive treatment or a simple cleaning, talk with Dr. Ragsdale if you think sedation dentistry would improve your experience in our office.

To learn more about Dr. Ragsdale and sedation dentistry in Austin, TX, call us at 512-346-4690 or contact us online anytime.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry uses medication to place patients in an extreme state of relaxation. In general, individuals will feel calm and at ease. Many patients don’t remember the visit, and some even fall asleep.

Sedation ensures the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations associated with the dentist’s office are greatly diminished. Using sedation allows the dentist to complete lengthy treatments during one appointment, saving the patient time and money. Dr. Ragsdale employs various types of sedation for dental patients. After discussing your case and concerns, she will recommend the proper sedation type for you.

Types of Sedation Used at Austin Laser Dental

Intravenous (IV) sedation was the preferred method in years past but sedation dentistry today has evolved to create a no-needle experience for the patient. Oral sedation is now one of the most common techniques used in the United States. It is an effective and appealing option for patients who fear needles. The sedation methods and medications we use at Austin Laser Dental include:

  1. Inhaled minimal sedation – You may be familiar with the term “laughing gas.” It doesn’t make you laugh or act silly. However, breathing in nitrous oxide, combined with oxygen, will help put you at ease. A mask is gently placed over your nose for you to breathe in the gas. The dentist will control the amount of sedation you receive. The effects of nitrous oxide will wear off soon after your treatment is complete. It is then safe for you to drive yourself home from your appointment.
  2. Oral sedation – This option involves taking a sedative pill about an hour before your dental appointment. You will remain awake but will be very drowsy. For moderate sedation, we will provide the same medication but in a larger dose, which could cause you to fall asleep. Because this type of sedation affects cognitive ability and motor function, patients will need a friend or family member to drive them home.
  3. Oral sedation with nitrous oxide – A combination of oral sedation and nitrous oxide creates a very relaxed state of mind and greatly reduces the patient’s perception of the environment around them. Many individuals fall asleep during this type of sedation. Those who choose this option will need a friend or family member to accompany them to their appointment.

In addition to sedation, local anesthesia will be administered as well. This will effectively alleviate pain and discomfort during treatment.

Contact Us for Complete Dental Care in Absolute Comfort

Avoiding dental treatments or cleanings due to anxiousness, stress, or fear can be a thing of the past. Dr. Ragsdale offers procedures in general, restorative, laser, and cosmetic dentistry. She has been a licensed sedation dentist in Austin, TX since 1985. As always, our team is available to answer any questions you may have. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call Austin Laser Dentist at 512-346-4690 or reach us online anytime.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+