Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Eat THIS not THAT: Dentist-Approved Snack Staples

Dentist-Approved Snack Staples for a Beautiful SmileBeautiful smile basics? You know the drill: brush twice a day, floss daily, and attend regular dental check-ups for preventive care. But the truth is, you can do even more to strengthen and safeguard your teeth and gums by making smart decisions in the grocery store. Some foods can strengthen enamel and discourage plaque buildup, while others leave behind harmful starches, sugars, or acids that lead to enamel erosion.

Looking for more ways to improve your beautiful smile? Dr. Helen Ragsdale of Austin Laser Dentist can help you create a holistic plan to protect your oral health and improve your teeth and gums’ appearance. She focuses on general, restorative, and cosmetic treatments and can help you create the smile you want. Schedule your consultation now at 512-346-4690.

Fill Your Plate

Plenty of healthy food options can improve gut health, encourage clearer skin, and boost healthy cholesterol levels. When it comes to helping your smile, these five things are at the top of the shopping list:

  • Nuts: Almonds, cashews, peanuts, and walnuts are versatile snacks. High in protein, fiber, and folic acid, and low in sugar, they’re a great option any time of the day. (Just be careful to avoid stray shell fragments that can fracture a tooth or dental crown.) Incorporate them into your lunchbox by tossing together a homemade trail mix with almonds, cashews, raisins, pretzels, and dark chocolate chunks.


  • Apples: Eating an apple is a great way to finish any meal. Apples’ fibrous texture and high water content will help clean your mouth of leftover sugars and food particles. Chewing pieces of apple also stimulates your gums, which improves healthy circulation. Try dressing up a rice cake with peanut butter and apple slices.


  • Celery: Celery is excellent for your digestive health, but it also helps clean your teeth! Just like apples, hewing crunchy veggies like celery can actually remove plaque from teeth and produce more saliva in your mouth, which helps reduce bacteria levels that cause plaque and tartar. Reinvent a childhood favorite: spread a thin layer of almond butter on celery pieces and top with dried cranberries or cherries.


  • Yogurt: Yogurt, and other dairy products like cheeses and milk, are loaded with calcium and phosphorus, the building blocks of your bones and tooth enamel. They also include caseins — proteins that provide a protective layer over teeth, shielding them from some of the corrosive effects of common bacterial acids. Mix plain yogurt with berries and granola to satisfy your sweet tooth.


  • Tap water: While bottled water is convenient, occasionally, it’s a good idea to fill up your glass at the tap (and it’s cheaper, too!). Children in particular should drink fluoride-treated water to lower the chances of tooth decay. Adults can swish with fluoridated water to help teeth soak up fluoride. Find out if your city provides fluoridated water here.

Snack Sparingly

You probably know that soft drinks are bad for your teeth. But what other foods and drinks should you consume in moderation, for the benefit of your oral health?

  • Sports drinks: Commercial sports drinks have a high sugar content, and the sugar spreads across your mouth when drinking. Opt for water during and after exercise.


  • Sticky sweets: Candy like caramel, gum, or chewy fruit candies stick to teeth and can potentially loosen fillings or crowns. Choose sweets that don’t linger, like dark chocolate.


  • Wine: The high sugar content and acidity of most wines means they’re perfect fuel for tooth decay when consumed regularly.


  • Citrus fruits and juices: Though fruits are a healthy snack alternative, be careful about the fruits you choose. Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are high in citric acid, a powerful acid which can erode tooth enamel over time.

If you consume these treats, drink a glass of water right afterward. The water will neutralize acids and help saliva remove harmful acids and sugars left behind.

Contact us for a beautiful smile consultation!

Eating with your dental health in mind is an important step in the right direction for a beautiful, healthy smile. Are you ready to continue the journey? Whether you desire teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, Invisalign treatment, or simply strong teeth and gums, Dr. Ragsdale can provide the knowledge and treatments you need to bring out your best smile. Contact them today at 512-346-4690.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+