Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Five Treatment Options for Cavities

An illustration of a tooth and magnifying glass depicting a cross-sectional image of a tooth with cavities

Cavities (also called caries) are areas of decay that bore into vulnerable teeth. Typically, caries are the result of oral bacteria and the acidic waste that they produce. If left untreated, caries can spread wider and deeper, eventually leading to a painful root canal infection. Luckily, patients have several preventive and restorative options to combat or remediate cavities.

If you’re looking for gentle cavity treatment in Austin, TX, then look no further than Dr. Helen Ragsdale at Austin Laser Dentist. Together with her team, Dr. Ragsdale can help you treat dental decay, restore damaged teeth, and protect your smile with comprehensive cavity treatments. Call our dental office at (512) 346-4690 or contact us online to schedule your appointment now.

Meanwhile, let’s dive into ways that you can prevent or treat cavities. In this post, we give you five, effective ways to manage dental decay.

1. Fluoride

Fluoride is an abundant mineral found in the natural world. Research proves that fluoride effectively remineralizes the enamel layer of our teeth. Subsequently, fluoride treatments are an ideal way to prevent cavities before they ever start.

But, surprisingly, fluoride doesn’t just prevent dental caries–it can reverse them, too. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), fluoride treatments may stop and reverse decay, making them a non-invasive alternative to other cavity treatments.

2. Dental Fillings

If fluoride treatments cannot keep cavities at bay, then dental fillings may be the next step. Our Austin dentist provides white fillings, which are a more aesthetically-pleasing option than silver (amalgam) fillings. 

Not only do dental fillings stop cavities in their tracks, but they also strengthen and protect teeth from further damage. As a result, dental fillings are a minimally-invasive way to enhance your smile for years to come.

3. Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped prosthetics that completely encapsulate severely weak or damaged teeth. As a cavity treatment, dental crowns provide the most support and protection for compromised teeth. However, dental crown treatment is more invasive than dental fillings. 

4. Root Canal Therapy

In some cases, a cavity bores so deeply into a tooth that it infiltrates and infects the sensitive pulp inside the root canal. When this happens, root canal therapy may be the only way to save the tooth from extraction. 

We know that you’ve probably heard horror stories about root canal therapy. But, the painful procedures of yesteryear are no longer applicable today. Dr. Ragsdale offers numerous numbing and sedative options to make this cavity treatment safer and more comfortable for patients.

5. Tooth Extraction

If a cavity destroys too much of a tooth’s natural structure, then it may not be possible to salvage it. A health-saving tooth extraction may be the only way to restore patients’ smiles without risking complications (like spreading the infection to the bloodstream).

Following tooth extractions, Dr. Ragsdale and her team are more than happy to discuss custom prosthetics to replace missing teeth, such as:

Cavity Treatment in Austin, TX

Don’t give cavities a chance to destroy your smile. At Austin Laser Dentist, we can help you pinpoint cavities earlier with cutting-edge, laser cavity detection. Schedule an appointment with our Austin dentist online, or call (512) 346-4690 for more information and booking.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+