Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

How An In-House Dental Plan Makes Dental Care More Accessible

A gentleman's torso is seen dressed in a blue button down shirt and he is counting coins indicating that he's saving up for an in-house dental plan

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to find employers who offer sensible dental insurance plans. This means that many Americans are forced to shell out hundreds or even thousands of dollars on individual dental plans. Or, even worse, many Americans are choosing to go without dental insurance or care altogether. Luckily, an in-house dental plan is a happy medium between individual insurance plans and no insurance at all.

Dr. Helen Ragsdale of Austin Laser Dentist recognizes the need to make dental healthcare more affordable and accessible for all. It’s for this reason that she offers many in-house dental plans and financing options. This means that her patients can get the care they need (and deserve!) without draining their bank accounts. Schedule your appointment today to discuss the best plan for you and your family.

Who do in-house dental plans benefit most?

Experts estimate that 74 million Americans are living without dental insurance coverage. That means that nearly one out of every four people doesn’t have dental insurance. And the people who are most at-risk for living without oral health coverage include:

  • – Racial minorities
  • – Adults over the age of 62
  • – People without a post-secondary education
  • – Individuals who make $25,000 or less yearly 

These individuals often must forego dental care completely, which negatively impacts their oral health. Subsequently, many people in these risk categories report that their lack of dental care makes job searching and interviewing more difficult.

Furthermore, public insurance programs (e.g. Medicaid) offer only minimal preventive dental health services, such as cleanings. Other public insurance programs (e.g. Medicare) do not offer dental health coverage at all.

Therefore, an in-house dental plan benefits the most vulnerable populations in America. But, let’s discuss exactly how an in-house dental plan is beneficial.

How is an in-house dental plan beneficial?

Typically, dental insurance plans require patients to pay monthly premiums. Additionally, patients usually have to meet a deductible before their insurance will start covering expenses. 

Furthermore, most dental insurance plans have a maximum coverage limit between $1,000 and $2,000. This means that people who need extensive oral care in a single year may end up paying hundreds or thousands out of pocket. So, despite having insurance, people will end up paying any overages on top of their monthly insurance premium and full deductible. Oral healthcare starts to add up very quickly, even for the insured!

An in-house dental plan mitigates insurance flaws and offers quality care at a reasonable rate. In fact, in-house dental plans often have a lower annual fee compared to conventional insurance premiums. Also, membership plans conveniently have no deductible or waiting periods. 

Additionally, an in-house dental plan typically offers more covered services than standard dental insurance coverage does. For example, most dental insurance plans do not cover any cosmetic procedures. However, Dr. Ragsdale offers discounted cosmetic services and even an allowance for orthodontics. Talk about a great deal!

Affordable Dental Care in Austin, TX

Everyone deserves quality oral healthcare that is affordable and accessible. Dr. Helen Ragsdale’s in-house dental plans give uninsured patients the opportunity to pick a care package that suits their needs. Need help customizing a plan? Schedule your appointment online or by calling us at (512) 346-4690. We’d be happy to assist you in any way we can!


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+