Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

How Does Laser Treatment Counteract Gum Disease?

Your gingiva, or gum tissue, is what holds your teeth in place so you can chew, talk, and smile with ease and comfort. When this tissue becomes infected, the health of your smile is at serious risk. Periodontal disease is an accumulation of bacteria in the gums and surrounding tissues, and it can lead to gum recession, bone degeneration, and tooth loss. Commonly a result of poor dental hygiene, gum disease affects 2 in 5 adults in the United States.

Laser gum disease treatment is a proven technique for counteracting the effects of periodontal disease and rejuvenating your gums. Dr. Helen Ragsdale uses laser dentistry to create beautiful smiles in Austin, TX. Laser technology eliminates the need for sutures and scalpels and treats gum disease non-invasively. 

If you are in need of laser treatment for gum disease but are concerned about finances, Austin Laser Dentist offers an in-house dental plan. You can choose from a pre-made package or customize your own to fit your dental care needs.

Types of Laser Treatments for Gum Disease

There are several options for treating periodontal disease depending on the severity of the case and the needs of the patient. Dr. Ragsdale employs the use of state-of-the-art laser technology to make treating gum disease simpler, less invasive, and more affordable.

Laser Gum Surgery

Unlike traditional surgery for gum disease, laser therapy allows for treatment without stitching or cutting. Instead, a laser fiber is inserted between the tooth and the gum to clear away the infection. The laser fiber is very tiny, only about the thickness of three hairs.

Laser Pocket Decontamination

Thanks to the advanced technology of dental lasers, surgery for gum disease can often be avoided. Infected gums typically sag at the gumline because of deep pockets of infection that form between the teeth and gums. Sterilizing these pockets can promote the natural reversal of gum disease.

The steps of laser pocket decontamination are:

  1. The focused beam of the dental laser eliminates bacteria in the periodontal pockets
  2. Once the plaque is removed, the laser probe is lowered into the infected pocket where it removes aggressive bacteria
  3. Laser energy seals the pocket and promotes tissue and bone healing

Once the initial treatment is finished, patients must uphold a healthy oral hygiene routine and continue routine maintenance and treatment. Periodontal disease is a chronic condition that cannot be cured but can be stabilized.

Benefits of Laser Gum Disease Treatment

Austin Laser Dentist uses high-quality dental lasers to provide the best possible care and treatment for our patients. The benefits of laser treatment are:

  • Shorter healing times
  • Less trauma than traditional surgery
  • Minimally invasive
  • Reduced pain
  • Limits bleeding

In addition to these perks, laser treatment is also completely customizable so we can personalize a treatment plan to fit your exact needs. 

Signs of Periodontal Disease

Gum disease is a prevalent dental problem in many adults. Visit your dentist right away if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Persistent bad breath
  • Red, swollen, or puffy gums
  • Bleeding or tender gums
  • Pain when chewing
  • Receding gumline
  • Loose or sensitive teeth

The earlier you catch periodontal disease, the easier it is to treat. Schedule an appointment with us to learn more about treatment options for gum disease.

Laser Gum Disease Treatment in Austin, TX

Individualized service, personal attention, and advanced techniques and technology are the tenets Dr. Ragsdale upholds at Austin Laser Dentist. Our in-house dental plan offers patients a variety of financing options so you never have to compromise care for affordability.Contact us to schedule an appointment or call (512) 346-4690 to learn if laser treatment is the right option for you!


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+