Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Dentistry by Dentist in Austin, TX

biolase waterlase for cosmetic dentistry

As a restorative and cosmetic laser dentist, Dr. Helen Ragsdale has served North Austin residents for two decades. She’s become known as both Austin’s laser dentist and Austin’s gentle dentist. In her lifelong studies, she’s honed in on the use of hard and soft tissue lasers to provide comfortable, minimally invasive treatments. 

Dr. Ragsdale earned a fellowship in the World Clinical Laser Institute, and she’s amassed a great deal of knowledge and hands-on training, as well as experience, with cosmetic dentistry. Today, Dr. Ragsdale offers patient care in her North Austin dental office, and she also teaches laser dentistry applications to her fellow dentists.

DID YOU KNOW? The word “laser” is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. It sounds intimidating, but lasers in dentistry allow for minimally invasive techniques, which yield faster healing and more retention of natural tissues. Lasers are awesome!

Why Is Laser Dentistry Amazing?

Lasers are extremely precise. By calibrating a laser to exact depth penetrations, Dr. Ragsdale retains an optimal amount of a patient’s natural, healthy tissues. This is the very definition of minimally invasive dentistry. In addition, soft tissue lasers seal tissue as they work, so stitches aren’t necessary, nor is “packing the gums”, and patient recovery is speedy.

Laser Cosmetic Procedures

Dr. Ragsdale has invested in education and training in both cosmetics and laser techniques. She provides soft and hard-tissue laser treatments with the world-renowned BIOLASE(r) Waterlase laser for a number of restorative and cosmetic therapies. When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, there are four primary areas in which laser dentistry serves patients well. 

Laser Teeth Whitening

Our LaserSmile(™) procedure lightens teeth by an average of nine shades! It also produces instant results, so your smile will sparkle by the time you leave your one-hour appointment with your dentist in Austin. Not only does LaserSmile work in a single treatment, but patients experience little or no sensitivity after the procedure. 

Here’s a bonus! Along with your LaserSmile treatment in our Austin dental office, you’ll receive top and bottom arch bleaching trays with potent, safe whitening gel to use at home. Touch up your smile on your schedule by wearing the trays as instructed, and order additional gel from us when you run out.

Laser Periodontal (Gum) Treatment

In cosmetic dentistry, gum surgery is often recommended to remove excess gum tissue for longer teeth, an even gum line, and a more mature, yet unforgettable smile.

Gum surgery used to be a painful and tedious procedure, with a long and painful recovery. Lasers have revolutionized gum surgery, though. As the laser precisely trims away excess gum tissue, it seals the treated area. You won’t have to endure a scalpel, stitches, or gum packing during recovery.

Laser Tooth Prep for Veneers, Crowns, Bridges

If you’re getting veneers, white crowns, or a fixed cosmetic bridge, laser tooth preparation removes less hard tissue than a traditional dental drill. Also, the laser doesn’t emit heat, vibration, sound, or smoke, which makes for a much more relaxed and enjoyable treatment.

Laser Cosmetic Reshaping

The BIOLASE Waterlase laser can perform soft-tissue gum reshaping, but your dentist in Austin, Dr. Ragsdale, also uses the Waterlase for hard tissue reshaping. Teeth that have jagged edges, from chipping or natural malformations, can be smoothed out for a softer appearance. Commonly, the canine teeth appear too sharp and look like vampire teeth. Laser recontouring reshapes canines so that they appear balanced and symmetrical in size and shape. 

Call Your Laser Dentist in Austin, TX Now

For a cosmetic consultation, call Austin Laser Dentist today at 512-346-4690 or schedule your appointment online. You’ll love our high-tech dental office and the amazing, minimally invasive treatments Dr. Ragsdale offers. Ask about our teeth whitening special when you call.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+