Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Need a dental bridge? Here are 3 incredible benefits.

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Living with tooth loss can make day-to-day life more difficult. Replacing them is key to your oral and overall health. Let the team at Austin Laser Dentist help you find suitable treatments to repair or restore your smile back to its original function and appearance. Just dial (512) 346-4690 to request your appointment with Dr. Helen Ragsdale today!

Usually, dentists recommend a dental bridge for patients who have one or several missing teeth in a consecutive line. These prosthetics consist of false teeth attached to dental crowns that fit over neighboring teeth or dental implants. In today’s blog, we give you three incredible benefits of dental crowns to demonstrate how useful these appliances are.

Prevent Dental Shifting

Tooth loss often triggers a domino effect. This means that losing even one tooth can lead to a range of oral issues, including dental shifting.

Dental shifting occurs when neighboring teeth no longer have the support they need to stay stationary. So, once a tooth is lost, the teeth surrounding it are much more likely to move toward the empty space left behind. 

This shifting is problematic because it can cause bite and jaw problems, like malocclusions and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). These conditions can lead to further pain and dysfunction, making eating and speaking more complicated.

A dental bridge provides support to neighboring teeth, keeping them firmly in place and preventing bite and jaw issues. 

Avoid Further Tooth Loss

Tooth loss doesn’t just cause bite and jaw problems – it can cause further tooth loss, too. And it can happen faster than you might think.

This is mostly due to the dental shifting we mentioned before. Without enough support, surrounding teeth can become loose, and all it takes is one ill-placed bite to knock it out completely.

A dental bridge helps prevent further tooth loss by offering adjacent teeth a sturdy support system

A Dental Bridge Is Cost-Effective

There are plenty of tooth-replacement options available to patients, but they may not always be the most affordable option. A dental bridge, however, is a relatively cost-effective way to repair smiles.

Data suggest that a dental bridge can run patients roughly $2,000. But this is a small price to pay when your natural teeth are at stake. Indeed, untreated tooth loss can lead to more complicated and expensive issues in the not-so-distant future, potentially costing you thousands more than a dental bridge.

But here’s the silver lining – most dental insurance plans cover bridges either partially or fully. This can take some of the financial burden off of you, making bridges an affordable option.

Interested in a dental bridge? Contact Dr. Ragsdale today!

Tooth loss is a health issue that deserves attention and remediation. Get the care you need with the crew at Austin Laser Dentist in Austin, TX. You can request your appointment with Dr. Ragsdale online or at (512) 346-4690 during clinic hours.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+