Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Oral Hygiene Tips for Colder Weather

Now that the weather is getting colder, it’s time to winterize your dental and periodontal care. Making even small changes to your oral hygiene routine can make a major difference in your oral health, function, and appearance this winter.

Get ready for the holiday season by scheduling a dental exam and cleaning at Austin Laser Dentist with Dr. Helen Ragsdale. New and existing patients can reach our Austin, TX, dental office at (512) 346-4690 or online here to schedule appointments.

In today’s blog post, we give you some oral hygiene tips to help you prepare for colder weather. Don’t be afraid to adopt these helpful hacks all year round for optimal oral health, too!

Protect Chattering Teeth

Colder weather causes us to shiver. The act of shivering serves to increase our body temperature to prevent hypothermia. Because shivering causes our bodies to shake, it is not uncommon for our teeth to chatter as we shiver.

But, unchecked teeth chattering can cause accidental dental damage that may jeopardize our oral health. This year, prevent accidental dental damage with protective mouthguards (like anti-bruxism mouthguards). Even store-bought mouthguards can be a great way to keep teeth safe this winter.

Prevent Dry Mouth

Winter air can be extraordinarily dry, and sickness can force us to breathe through our mouths more often. These two factors can cause our oral cavities to dry out, which can result in discomfort, cavities, and bad breath.

Keep your mouth well lubricated this year by:

  • -Drinking at least 64 ounces of water daily
  • -Sucking on sugar-free mints or cough drops
  • -Chewing on sugarless gum
  • -Covering the mouth with a scarf or mask to increase humidity
  • -Using a humidifier in your room (especially while sleeping)

Remineralize Sensitive Teeth

Cold air can be uncomfortable (or downright painful!) for patients with worn tooth enamel. And, unfortunately, tooth enamel is one of the bodily tissues that does not repair itself once damaged. That means that it is crucial to remineralize teeth that have thinning or worn enamel.

Brushing with a mineral-containing toothpaste (like fluoride or nano-hydroxyapatite) is a safe, easy, and effective way to strengthen teeth. Just be sure to skip the rinse–remineralizing toothpaste must sit on the teeth for several minutes to work properly. 

If you’re looking for instant relief from cold-weather tooth sensitivity, then ask our team about dental bonding

Brush and Floss after Sugary Snacks and Drinks

Ideally, we should brush and floss after every snack or meal. However, many of us do not have that kind of time. So, the American Dental Association recommends brushing at least twice per day and flossing at least once per day.

But, the sweet treats that usually accompany cold-weather holidays can minimize the effects of twice-daily brushing and once-daily flossing. This year, try to brush and floss after eating, especially after sweet or acidic treats. Being vigilant about your oral hygiene now could help you prevent cavities and gum disease in the future. 

Enhance Your Oral Hygiene with a Dental Cleaning

Get ready for winter by scheduling a routine dental exam and cleaning at Austin Laser Dentist. Patients can request appointments here, or they may call our Austin, TX, dental clinic at (512) 346-4690.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+