Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Put This Local Dentist in Your Phone Now

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If you’ve been searching for a local dentist in Austin, TX to meet all of your dental care needs, look no further! Our dentist, Dr. Helen Ragsdale, offers patient-oriented, comfort-focused dental care for patients of all ages. Our dental treatment philosophy boils down to four things: diagnosis, prevention, preservation, and conservation.

If you’d like to schedule an initial consultation with our friendly dental team, call (512) 346-4690 today.

Why choose us? Dr. Ragsdale has the five qualities of a great local dentist. Check them out in this blog!

1. Experience

Hands-on experience is necessary for dentists to perfect their skills, but most of us don’t want to be our dentist’s “first”. Especially when it comes to extraction, gum treatments, or cosmetic procedures. These procedures require precision and control that isn’t perfected overnight. To ensure you’re getting the best care, look for a local dentist with years of experience under her belt.

Dr. Ragsdale has been serving the Austin community for over twenty years. During that time, she has helped thousands of patients achieve and maintain healthy smiles, and she is the dentist that other dentists come to for training!

2. Up-to-date Technology

Innovative dental technology like low-radiation digital radiography, soft tissue lasers, and hard tissue lasers are the main ways our team has stayed true to our dental treatment philosophy. We are committed to providing comprehensive care to our patients and helping them keep as much natural teeth and bone structure as possible.

Unfortunately, not every dentist offers these options to their patients. Look for one who does!

3. Comprehensive Services

Many patients only visit their dentist every six months for regular dental cleanings and exams. For these patients, restorative or cosmetic treatment may not even cross their minds—until they need them. Here’s what could happen if your dentist doesn’t offer comprehensive care:

If you ever crack a tooth or want your teeth whitened, going to a new dentist will be a hassle. Not only will you have to do more research to find the best restorative or cosmetic dentist, but you’ll also have to go through the awkward stage of getting to know and trust a stranger. To avoid this issue in the future, you should choose a dentist that offers a wide range of services now.

At Austin Laser Dentist, we offer preventive, restorative, and cosmetic services. We also offer periodontal treatments and sedation dentistry

4. Excellent Patient Reviews

What better way to learn about a dentist than through their own patients? Thanks to Google, Yelp, and Facebook, current patients can let others in on their personal experiences with a dentist.

Here’s a review from one of our many satisfied patients:

“Always a great experience! The people are so very friendly, helpful, professional and very, very good at what they do. I’ve been to a number of dentists during my many years on the planet, and I’ll say Dr. Helen and her team are by far the best I’ve ever encountered.” – Joel F.

5. Comfortable Office Environment

Visiting the dentist shouldn’t be a chore, and it shouldn’t be scary. Our dental team recognizes that not everyone has had great experiences with the dentist. Because of this, we go the extra mile to keep our patients relaxed and comfortable. At our office, we provide patients with:

  • Blankets
  • Pillows
  • Aromatherapy
  • Sound therapy
  • TVs and headphones
  • A private operatory
  • Sedation dentistry

To learn more about our practice or to make our dentist your local dentist, give us a call today at (512) 346-4690.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+