Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Three Reasons to Choose Dental Implants

woman eating cornIf you still have all your permanent teeth, then congratulations! You are in the minority. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 69 percent of adults between the ages of 35 and 44 years have lost at least one permanent tooth. The most common cause of tooth loss at this age is decay. If you have lost a tooth, Dr. Helen Ragsdale can help you get a fully functional replacement tooth that looks and acts just like the one you lost, with dental implants.

Are you interested in learning about dental implants, Austin TX? Call 512-346-4690 and we’ll assess your candidacy and explain how the process works.Contact us today to make an appointment!

Dental Implants Feel More Natural

Traditionally, missing teeth have always been corrected with a tooth bridge, which replaces one or more teeth. More widespread tooth loss is usually addressed with dentures. These have been the go-to form of tooth replacement for a very long time, but now that dental implants are available, you have a much better option to choose. Dental implants function better as replacement teeth because they replace the whole tooth, not just the part you see above the gum line. The root of the tooth is replaced with a titanium post that fuses with the jawbone, and the crown of the tooth is replaced with a lifelike porcelain crown or bridge. This makes them more stable and more comfortable. You can use your dental implants the same way you used your natural teeth. Whether you are getting a single tooth implant, implant-based tooth bridge, or implant-based dentures, dental implants give you a more sturdy and natural-feeling prosthetic.

Dental Implants are a Permanent Replacement for Missing Teeth

One of the drawbacks of traditional tooth replacements are that they are not made to last forever. Tooth bridges have an average lifespan of about eight years, and dentures can requiring relining every other year. This means that in addition to paying for your initial treatment, you will also have to pay to have your dental work replaced every few years. This also means more visits to the dentist to maintain your prosthetic tooth/teeth.  Another consideration is that tooth bridges are reliant upon the teeth adjacent to your gap for support. If either one of those two teeth should fail, you are left with two missing teeth, and no bridge! Dental implants alleviate both of these problems.

Dental implants, Austin TX, are freestanding and are made to permanently fuse with your jawbone. This means that when an implant is properly placed and properly cared for, it should last for the rest of your life. Since caring for a dental implant is very similar to caring for a natural tooth, some patients even forget that their implant is not the original tooth! The process for getting dental implants does take a bit longer than traditional bridgework or dentures because it requires a surgical procedure. However, once your implant has healed and fused with the bone, it becomes a permanent part of your body.

Dental Implants Preserve Your Oral Health

Dentists love to recommend dental implants over traditional tooth bridges because implants help you maintain better oral health. Typically, when a tooth is lost, you also lose bone mass beneath the site of the tooth. This process is called jawbone resorption. It happens slowly, but it is an inevitable side-effect of losing teeth. If you’ve ever seen how a person’s facial features change after wearing dentures for a decade or more, you have witnessed the devastating effects of bone loss. With dental implants, however, this process does not take place. The implants replace your natural tooth roots so well that they trick your body into thinking you still have teeth that require bone support them. Whether you lose just one tooth or many, bone loss will eventually change your jaw and your face; dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that can prevent this process.

Visit Austin Laser Dentist Dr. Helen Ragsdale to Learn More!

Dental implants, Austin TX, are one of the most revolutionary innovations in modern dentistry. With implants, you can avoid having bridgework replaced every few years, and you don’t have to tip-toe around unstable prosthetic teeth. When you visit our dental office, we will explain the procedure for getting dental implants and help you determine whether this treatment is right for you. Most patients who are in a generally good state of health can get implants. Schedule an appointment to learn about dental implants, Austin TX by calling 512-346-4690 today! 

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Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+