Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

What is laser cavity removal, and is it effective?

An image of multi-colored laser indicating laser cavity removal in Austin, TX

Cavities are areas of dental decay. Typically, cavities do not go away on their own, and they must be removed to save the tooth from irreparable damage. In the past, dentists needed loud dental drills and sharp tools to remove cavities. Today, however, laser cavity removal with high-powered lasers is changing the game.

Austin Laser Dentist is your premier location for gentle dental care in Austin, TX. If you’re ready to see how lasers are revolutionizing dentistry, then contact Dr. Helen Ragsdale today. Existing and prospective patients can reach us online anytime, or they may call (512) 346-4690.

If you’ve never heard of laser cavity removal before, then keep reading. Here, we explain what it is and why it is so effective

Laser Cavity Removal Explained

Traditionally, dentists use a drill and dental tools to remove cavities. But, this is extraordinarily painful for most patients. As a result, traditional cavity removal requires the aid of local anesthesia and sedatives to complete the procedure.

With laser cavity removal, however, dentists do not need a drill or sharp tools to remove dental decay. Instead, they use a beam of highly focused light particles to gently remove cavities with unparalleled precision. This means that patients can treat cavities with little to no anesthesia or sedatives.

Is laser cavity removal as effective as traditional cavity removal?

In many regards, laser cavity removal is more effective than traditional cavity removal

Traditional cavity removal is more invasive, which means that it is more likely to damage healthy tissue while removing a cavity. And, damaging healthy dental tissue can lead to more significant dental issues in the not-so-distant future.

Lasers are far more precise and gentle than dental tools and drills. As a result, dentists can remove cavities without removing healthy dental tissue along with them. 

This level of precision is unmatched, making laser cavity removal the most advanced cavity treatment available to patients today.

The Benefit of Treating Cavities with Lasers

There are numerous benefits of laser cavity removal, including:

More Comfortable

In most cases, patients do not need local anesthesia or sedatives to undergo laser cavity removal. However, these pain-blocking options are still available to patients, if necessary.


Lasers kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This means that dental lasers don’t just effectively remove cavities–they also sterilize the area for optimal health and healing.

Safe for Most Patients

We get it–the word ‘laser’ doesn’t exactly instill confidence in most patients. But, laser treatments are quickly becoming the gold standard of medical and dental procedures. Many experts attribute this to lasers’ ability to safely treat both adults and children.

Schedule Laser Cavity Removal in Austin, TX

Cavity removal using high-powered light energy is an ideal way to effectively and painlessly treat dental decay. Don’t wait for cavities to get worse–get gentle treatment by contacting the team at Austin Laser Dentist today
We love hearing from new and existing patients, so call us at (512) 346-4690, or send us a message online here to get started.

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Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+