Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

What treatments does a laser dentist offer?

laser dentistry

A laser dentist typically offers all of the same treatments as a general dentist. The difference is how those treatments are carried out. Laser dentists utilize innovative dental lasers that provide patients with minimally invasive, safe, and effective treatment options.

These extremely focused light beams can remove small amounts of oral tissue and tooth decay and so much more. Continue reading to learn about the laser dentistry treatments offered by our Austin Laser Dentist.

Cavity detection

Cavities are the most common dental problem among patients of all ages. Though it may seem that some people are more prone to cavities, tooth decay is a direct result of several factors, including:

  • Overall health
  • Gum recession
  • Diet
  • Tooth shape
  • Dental alignment
  • Enamel composition

Wouldn’t it be great if cavities could be detected before they become a serious, sometimes painful, dental problem? Of course it would!

With DIAGNOdent technology, a laser dentist can detect cavities earlier than ever before. The device simply requires the dentist to aim the laser over the top tooth surface of each tooth. The laser pulses into the cracks, grooves, and fissures of each tooth, and the fluorescent light that reflects off the tooth is measured on a scale of 1-100.

A low reading, numbers below ten, indicates that the tooth is healthy. Numbers over 20 imply decay which typically means a filling is required. Any number between 10 and 20 means the tooth needs to be closely monitored.

This process is painless and helps dentists avoid unnecessary exploration of questionable teeth.

Gum disease treatment

Laser dentists believe that serious oral health problems shouldn’t require invasive and painful treatment techniques. Oftentimes, gum disease treatments involve scalpels and sutures that can add to a patient’s fear and anxiety.

This is why laser dentists offer less-invasive options like laser gum surgery and laser pocket decontamination.

Laser gum surgery

In this simple, breakthrough procedure, scalpels and sutures are no longer necessary. Instead, a tiny laser fiber that is about the thickness of three hairs is inserted between the gum and tooth and clears away the infection.

Laser pocket decontamination

More severe cases of periodontal disease, laser pocket decontamination effectively eradicates the disease-causing bacteria and improves the patient’s chance of recovery.

In this procedure, precise dental lasers emit a focused beam that removed that bacteria from the periodontal pockets. The thin laser is then lowered into the bottom of the periodontal pockets and any remaining aggressive germs are eliminated. This creates an environment that promotes healing.

Root canal therapy

According to Dear Doctor, scientific studies have proven that laser-activated irrigation of root canals is more effective at eradicating bacteria and preventing new bacterial growth that conventional irrigation methods.

While lasers can’t carry out the entire procedure, they certainly make the procedure more successful. Patients will also be more comfortable for the patient as drills and all the sensations and sounds that come with them are also eliminated.

Teeth whitening

Laser dentists often provide the fastest teeth whitening results because of accuracy, safety, and effectiveness.

Whitening systems like LaserSmile™ can help patients achieve a bright smile in under 60 minutes. Patients often walk out of the office with teeth that are nine shades lighter than when they walked in!

The chemistry of the whitening gel and laser-activated chromophores are responsible for these amazing outcomes.

Visit Our Laser Dentist

Dr. Helen Ragsdale is the laser dentist that other dentists come to for training and that patients come to for expert, gentle dental care.

To schedule an initial consultation, call (512) 346-4690 today.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+