Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Periodontal Austin, TX: Why are my gums growing over my teeth?

woman smiling at computer after periodontal Austin, TX visit

Are you embarrassed by a gummy smile? While you might assume that the only downside of gingival hyperplasia is aesthetics, that’s not the only issue at hand. As a result of untreated gum overgrowth,  you might also suffer from gum disease, difficulty eating, tooth eruption problems, and misalignment.

If you’re looking for proven periodontal in Austin, TX, Dr. Helen Ragsdale can be your greatest ally in the fight against gingival hyperplasia. Before treating a gummy smile, it’s essential to understand what could be causing it. Here, we unpack the main culprits behind gum overgrowth and explain how to treat it:


Inflamed gum tissue is a leading cause of gingival hyperplasia. Sometimes, poor oral hygiene, bacterial overgrowth, and leftover food between our teeth can cause gums to feel tender, look red, or bleed. Generally, these are the first signs of gingivitis (a gum infection and the initial stage of periodontal disease).

Thankfully, gingivitis is reversible through a professional dental deep cleaning (scaling and root planing) and effective daily oral hygiene techniques, such as proper flossing and brushing. After taking care of your oral hygiene, you might notice that your gums return to normal. Conversely, if gingivitis is ignored, it can worsen into periodontal disease, which is much more challenging to manage.

Medication Side Effects

As previously mentioned, gingival overgrowth is linked to inflammation. Although inflammation can be a natural immune response, it can also be drug-induced as a side effect of prescription medication. Some medications that contribute to gingival hyperplasia include calcium channel blockers, immunosuppressants, and antiseizure drugs. After your primary care physician safely weans you off one of these medications, you might notice that the gingival hyperplasia resolves independently.

Vitamin Deficiency

Famously, Vitamin C helps immune cells function properly, but did you know that this vitamin also boosts gum health? Adequate daily vitamin C helps maintain healthy and strong gums. However, vitamin C deficiency can give rise to bleeding, gingival inflammatory changes, and other health issues. Increasing your daily vitamin C intake via supplements, citrus fruits, and other foods can help these symptoms go away.

Systemic Health Conditions

Sometimes, conditions that don’t directly impact your gums trigger gingival hyperplasia. For example, hormonal imbalances during pregnancy can lead to gum enlargement. Fortunately, this symptom typically subsides after the baby is delivered. However, you can prevent and improve symptoms of gingival hyperplasia through proper oral hygiene.

Other health conditions and diseases that can activate gum overgrowth include:

  • -Diabetes
  • -Anemia
  • -HIV
  • -Crohn’s disease
  • -Leukemia
  • -Lymphoma

Hereditary Gingival Fibromatosis (HGF)

Albeit rare, HGF produces slow, gradual gum enlargement due to the overproduction of collagen. Sometimes, the gums hide significant parts or the entire tooth surface. Frequently, gum enlargement starts in childhood, but it might go unnoticed until adulthood.

Periodontal Austin, TX: What solutions might our dentist recommend?

At your first visit, Dr. Ragsdale will discover the underlying cause of your gingival hyperplasia. Then, she will recommend treatment. Initially, this might include improving oral hygiene through prophylaxis or scaling and root planing. If the symptoms don’t subside, she might recommend laser gum contouring. At Austin Laser Dentist, Dr. Ragsdale applies the Waterlase™ system to gently and precisely remove unwanted gum tissue.

Still, the first step in deciding which periodontal treatment options are most suitable for your specific needs is to schedule a consultation. Call (512) 346-4690 or message us online right now.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+