If you are preparing for a more complex dental procedure, your dentist will likely recommend sedation. Sedation can keep you relaxed and comfortable throughout your treatment. It can be especially beneficial for patients with dental anxiety. But what if you are nervous about sedation itself? Fortunately, you are not alone, and a compassionate dental team can help set your fears to rest.
At Austin Laser Dentist, Dr. Helen Ragsdale offers highly effective sedation, using a combination of nitrous oxide and prescription medications. If you are feeling nervous about sedation, we can take extra steps to help alleviate your anxiety. No question is too small, and we will talk you through every step of the sedation process.
Don’t let anxiety keep you from the dental care you need. Contact Austin Laser Dentist today to schedule an appointment.
How does sedation work?
Dr. Ragsdale will begin with a consultation to discuss your level of anxiety, your current health, and the procedure itself. Once in the office, you will take prescription anti-anxiety medications, and our experienced team will administer nitrous oxide, more commonly known as “laughing gas.” We will also give you local anesthetic before beginning treatment. With this combination, you will not be fully aware of what is going on, and you may even fall asleep.
Is sedation safe?
When administered by an experienced doctor, nitrous oxide is very safe. That’s why 70% of dental practices use this type of sedation. Delivery systems have been equipped with 12 audiovisual safety features to be used during administration. Your doctor will determine the exact amount to use, based on your body type and the procedure. Amounts can also be adjusted during treatment to keep you both safe and comfortable.
Will I say or do anything embarrassing?
You may say or do something slightly embarrassing as the medications start to wear off. But this is no reason to be nervous about sedation! You may not even remember the event once the medications have completely left your system. And our compassionate team is used to working with patients under sedation. They won’t react negatively or do anything to make you feel awkward about your behavior.
What should I do if I am nervous about sedation?
The first thing you should do is to tell your dentist! Anxiety about sedation is more common than you might think. Our understanding and experience may immediately put you at ease. In some cases, Dr. Ragsdale may prescribe some anti-anxiety medication for the day before your procedure.
To further calm your nerves, in the days leading up to treatment, take some time for things you enjoy. Get outside. Try some breathing or mindfulness exercises. And don’t borrow trouble by Googling! Trust that your dental team has everything under control, and that you will sail through your procedure comfortably and safely!
Contact Austin Laser Dentist
To learn more about sedation and how we can help set your mind at ease, contact our office today.
Reach us online or call us at (512) 346-4690.