Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

“Can TMJ cause headaches?” And Other FAQs

man with headache because of TMJ disorder

If you suffer from frequent headaches, there could be many causes, but it’s very possible that your dental health and jaw function are behind your symptoms. If you know much about TMJ disorder, you know that it is caused by inflammation or dysfunction in your jaw joints. But can TMJ cause headaches? Absolutely! 

At Austin Laser Dentist, Dr. Helen Ragsdale wants her patients to enjoy optimal oral and physical health. She offers a variety of treatments for TMJ disorder and will carefully select the right one for your needs. Dr. Ragsdale is also a proponent of patient education and will take all the time you need to answer your TMJ questions. 

To learn more about TMJ disorder, schedule an appointment at Austin Laser Dentist today.

Can TMJ cause headaches? 

If you have pain and inflammation in your jaw joints, the discomfort can quickly move to your head, neck, and shoulders. TMJ headaches often feel dull and achy. They may be worse in the morning, especially if you grind your teeth at night. You may experience pain on one or both sides of your head.

In addition to headaches, other TMJ disorder symptoms can include:

  • Jaw pain
  • Jaw stiffness and/or difficulty opening and closing your mouth
  • Ringing in your ears
  • A clicking noise when you open or close your mouth
  • Changes in your bite

How common is TMJ disorder?

TMJ disorder is quite common, affecting between 5% and 12% of the population. Women are two times more likely to suffer from the condition as men, especially if they are taking estrogen or oral contraceptives. TMJ dysfunction is very common among younger patients. 

Can TMJD go away on its own?

Yes, fortunately, many cases of TMJ disorder do clear up on their own. This is because the condition is often associated with stress, which can cause jaw tension and teeth grinding. Once a stressful event is over, patients may find themselves naturally more relaxed. However, if your TMJ symptoms last more than a few weeks, you should see a dentist.

Does TMJ disorder have any long term risks?

Left untreated, TMJ disorder can lead to chronic pain, which can greatly affect your mental health and overall quality of life. You could also suffer from sleep disruptions and even sleep disorders, which themselves have health risks, such as an increased risk for heart attack and stroke. Plus, if your TMJD is caused by bruxism, the constant grinding and clenching could cause significant structural damage to your teeth.

What are my treatment options?

Treatment for your TMJ disorder will depend on its underlying cause and your specific symptoms. Dr. Ragsdale will always begin with the most conservative options, which could include anti-inflammatory medications, jaw exercises, and simple lifestyle changes. 

In many cases, Dr. Ragsdale will provide a custom mouthguard. The device will stop unconscious teeth grinding at night. At the same time, it will reposition your jaw while you are sleeping to alleviate pressure on your TMJs.

Contact Austin Laser Dentist Today

Still have questions about TMJ disorder or looking to book an appointment?

Contact Austin Laser Dentist online or call us at (512) 346-4690.

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Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+