Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Austin, Texas, Dentistry Expert: 5 Ways to Improve Your Tooth Brushing Routine

Close-up on girl brushing her teeth Austin, Texas, Dentistry Expert: 5 Ways to Improve Your Tooth Brushing Routine

You brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once. You visit the dentist regularly and try to eat a healthy diet. You’re doing a great job with your dental hygiene! But did you know there may be some more effective ways to care for your teeth? As your Austin, Texas, dentistry expert explains in this post, if you are not brushing the right way, you could still be at an added risk for tooth decay.

Dr. Helen Ragsdale of Austin Laser Dentist wants the best possible dental health for all of her patients. Although she offers a full array of treatments performed with the latest technology, her first goal is to prevent dental problems from the outset. She achieves this with routine preventive care, as well as one-on-one patient education. 

To learn more about the best ways to care for your teeth or to schedule your exam and cleaning, contact your Austin, Texas, dentistry clinic today.

1. Switch to a Toothbrush with Soft Bristles.

Logically, you would think that a hard toothbrush would clean teeth more effectively. Actually, while abrasive toothbrushes will remove plaque, they could also damage or erode your tooth enamel

Enamel is a protective coating that keeps bacteria from the softer layers of dental tissue. When this coating is damaged, bacteria can more easily penetrate your teeth and cause cavities. For optimal oral health, choose soft toothbrushes for everyone in your home.

2. Store Your Toothbrush Properly.

Keep your toothbrush upright. You can use a toothbrush holder, but make sure it has enough airflow for the brush to dry thoroughly. Store your toothbrush away from the sink, and especially the toilet, so that bacteria do not contaminate the bristles. If you keep your toothbrush with those of other family members, make sure they do not touch, as germs can spread easily from brush to brush. 

3. Hold Your Brush at the Right Angle.

The American Dental Association recommends that you hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle from your gums. Then use short, back-and-forth movements to remove plaque from just above and below the gum line.

4. Brush First Thing in the Morning.

Most people brush their teeth after waking, but many may wait until they’ve had their breakfast and coffee. Actually, brushing right after you wake up and before you eat is best practice for dental hygiene. Brushing helps to remove the bacteria that accumulate overnight (the same bacteria responsible for morning breath). Plus, brushing early on actually helps to protect your teeth against the acids found in many breakfast foods and, in particular, coffee.

5. Don’t Rinse after Brushing.

If your routine is to spit and swish after brushing, don’t. Yes, you should spit out all the excess toothpaste in your mouth. But when you then rinse your mouth with water, you remove any lingering fluoride so that it doesn’t have as much time to strengthen your tooth enamel. 

Contact our Austin, Texas, Dentistry Clinic Today

For more oral health care tips and tricks, contact our Austin, Texas, dentistry expert. 

Reach Austin Laser Dentist online or give us a call at (512) 346-4690.

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Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+