Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Dental Care Tips for Pregnancy

woman in white long sleeve shirt

Pregnancy brings some unexpected changes to your body, including your oral health. Many women experience hormone-induced gum disease and other dental health issues during pregnancy. Finding the right balance between prenatal precautions and professional dental care doesn’t have to be daunting. 

Dr. Helen Ragsdale and the team at Austin Laser Dentist will help you maintain good oral health during pregnancy, with special recommendations to help you and your baby stay safe and healthy. We offer a wide range of safe and gentle treatments to keep Mom’s oral health in top condition.

Follow these dental tips throughout your pregnancy.

1. Contact your dentist immediately.

Once you’ve confirmed your pregnancy, contact Austin Laser Dentist. We will explain necessary treatments with you and create the right plan for your prenatal dental care. Dr. Ragsdale and our team suggest appropriate options for your dental health. 

2. Continue routine dental hygiene. 

Pregnancy can make even the simplest oral hygiene difficult. A sensitive stomach, heightened gag reflex, or morning sickness shouldn’t force you to skip your normal dental routine.

Be patient, and slowly brush and floss your teeth. If needed, invest in a smaller toothbrush or an electric toothbrush to help reach your back teeth more precisely, avoiding the back of your tongue so as not to irritate your gag reflex. 

3. Don’t skip any appointments. 

Your dental cleanings and checkups remain as important as your prenatal care. Never skip an appointment. Studies have shown that poor oral health during pregnancy can result in preterm delivery, low birth weight, and other serious health issues.

If you feel unwell or have trouble with morning sickness, Dr. Ragsdale and our team can reschedule your appointment. Be sure to select a time of day when you are least nauseated. 

4. Postpone Cosmetic or Elective Treatments

While your routine visits should never be skipped, you can forgo certain treatments during pregnancy. We will recommend that you avoid any treatments that require anesthesia or certain chemicals. The following tasks can wait until your baby has arrived:

  • Teeth Whitening
  • Veneers
  • Dental Implants
  • X-Rays

Dr. Ragsdale and our team utilize dental laser technology. With the DIAGNOdent, we can examine your teeth for decay, without potentially harmful x-ray radiation. We can also perform some treatments that would have required anesthesia in the past. 

5. Never brush your teeth after morning sickness. 

Brushing your teeth after you’ve had an episode of morning sickness can further damage your teeth. The acidity in bile is harmful to tooth enamel. When you brush after morning sickness, you can weaken the protective enamel on your teeth.

Instead, use a mixture of one teaspoon of baking soda and one cup of warm water to rinse your mouth. The baking soda will gently remove acidity in your mouth and help freshen your breath. 

Schedule Your Prenatal Dental Visit Today

If you have more questions about prenatal dental care, contact Dr. Ragsdale and our team. We provide comprehensive dental care at our office in Austin, TX. With the help of dental lasers, we offer a wider range of treatments for your prenatal dental health. Contact us online or call us today at 512-346-4690.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+