Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Ditch the Stitches: Laser Treatment for Periodontal Disease

Ditch the Stitches: Laser Treatment for Periodontal DiseaseYou may be unfamiliar with the term “scaling and root planing.” While it may sound like a gardening technique, it’s actually an important dental treatment! Dr. Helen Ragsdale uses this deep dental cleaning method for patients with advanced periodontal disease, or gum disease. In the past, this process was performed with traditional dental scalpels and tools that required a much more invasive procedure. Today, however, Dr. Ragsdale uses advanced dental laser technology to perform deep dental cleanings with minimal discomfort care and enhanced healing.

If you are experiencing any signs of periodontal disease, such as swollen, bleeding, or tender gums, or loose teeth or chronic halitosis, schedule an appointment with Dr. Helen Ragsdale. An Austin-area dentist for over 30 years, Dr. Ragsdale offers safe and effective laser periodontal treatment. The health of your gums is vital to the health of your mouth; give us a call today at 512-346-4690 to experience relief from any of these periodontal disease symptoms.

The Importance of Treating Periodontal Disease

Did you know that an estimated 65 million Americans are living with an advanced form of periodontal disease? While many people understand the importance of preventing decay on teeth, the gums are often overlooked in their importance for proper oral hygiene. The gums support all teeth structures, and keep teeth firmly in place and in alignment with each other. Periodontal disease can have widespread, devastating effects on gum tissue, creating pockets of infection and threatening the loss of teeth and even bone tissues within the oral structure.

When it comes to eradicating infection and inflammation in the gums, cleaning AND disinfecting is much more effective than cleaning alone. For years, dentists have performed scaling and root planing to give the body a fresh start in healing the gum and bone tissues around teeth. With periodontal therapy, a conservative approach is best. Often, early stages of periodontal disease can be eliminated with nonsurgical periodontal therapy, or scaling and root planing.

Traditional Scaling and Root Planing

During scaling and root planing treatment, Dr. Ragsdale gives the gums a thorough dental cleaning – both above and below the gum line; plaque or tartar (hardened plaque) are removed from around an below the gum line, similar to how a bi-annual teeth cleaning is performed. This process is known as scaling. Dr. Ragsdale will then begin root planing, to smooth the teeth roots, allowing them to bind together again with gum tissue.

Traditionally, scalpels were necessary for this process, and could leave gums sore, fragile, and in need of sutures. Patients could require up to several weeks for a full recovery, because of the delayed healing process within the mouth’s environment. However, Dr. Ragsdale believes that modern dental technology provides not only an improved method for cleaning and eliminating infection, but offers a much-improved patient experience as well.

Modern Laser Technology

Laser periodontal therapy is an amazing breakthrough. Scalpels and sutures are a thing of the past for treating periodontal disease due to this new laser alternative. A thin laser can be inserted between the tooth and the gum, dissolving any bacteria and cleaning the area from infection.

The incredible precision of the laser technology means that considerably less anesthesia is needed for patients to have a comfortable treatment experience. The laser technology is also more adept at preparing the gum tissue for healing; the energy from the laser tool can seal blood vessels to stimulate a faster and cleaner healing process. Within just a few days, patients can usually be back to eating as normal.

Receive Safe, Effective Treatment from Austin’s Laser Dentist

Fear of painful treatment or long recovery times is no longer a reason not to receive proper periodontal cleaning and care. If you are ready for healthier gums and teeth, contact our Austin, TX practice today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Helen Ragsdale.



Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+