Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

What do porcelain veneers feel like?

What do porcelain veneers feel like?Porcelain veneers can create instant, beautiful results for patients looking for a dramatic smile makeover. However, because veneers are applied over the surface of teeth, many patients wonder if the veneers will feel bulky or strange. Below, learn what to expect when adjusting to new veneers, and when you can expect your new, beautiful smile to feel normal again.

If you are in the Austin, TX, area and are unhappy with the current appearance of your smile, Dr. Helen Ragsdale and our team at Austin Laser Dentist can help! Dr. Ragsdale has been helping patients craft beautiful smiles for over 30 years, and can discuss your cosmetic treatment options during a one-on-one consultation. Call us today to schedule your appointment!

What to Expect During Treatment

Before placing porcelain veneers, Dr. Ragsdale takes comprehensive impressions or 3D images of your smile to ensure that the custom-fabricated veneers match seamlessly with your existing smile. To prep the front teeth for veneers, Dr. Ragsdale will file the surface of the front of the teeth. This allows the dental bonding agents that fix the veneers to the teeth to develop a stronger hold. Once the veneers are created in our dental laboratory, DR. Ragsdale can then place each thin, ceramic covering on each natural tooth. Final tweaks to the size and shape can be made before they are polished. A completely new, beautiful smile comes together in just two to three appointments!

Recovery and Adjusting to Your New Smile

After placement, your veneers will last up to 20 years if you practice proper oral hygiene care. It’s completely normal for your new smile to feel odd or different right after your veneers are placed. Most patients find that getting used to their new veneers takes about one or two weeks at most, however. Your veneers will not affect your ability to speak, smile, or eat normally. Typically, any feelings of “bulkiness” go away as you become used to the new outline of your smile.

Your mouth is extremely sensitive to change; think about just how familiar your mouth feels to you. Whenever you receive dental work that even slightly alters the shape or placement of your teeth or gums, your mouth will pick up on any small, nuanced changes. Veneers are a great example of this; this cosmetic procedure changes the front of your smile, so it’s no doubt the visible changes will also feel quite different. The tongue will probably constantly run over the new veneers during the first few days after treatment.

Tips for Care and Maintenance

There’s not much to learn in terms of veneer care and maintenance; it’s very similar to taking care of your natural teeth. Daily flossing, twice daily brushings, and bi-annual dental cleanings and examinations are the best way to keep your veneers shiny and new for as long as possible.

Also, remember these tips:

  • Avoid biting straight into hard or tough foods; cut apples, carrots, and similar snacks into smaller pieces before eating.
  • Avoid “whitening” toothpastes; these often contain baking soda and can actually scratch veneers. Plus, you no longer need to use whitening products; veneers do not stain like natural tooth enamel.
  • Avoid chewing on ice, pens, or hard objects. Just like teeth, veneers can chip if exposed to excessive force.

Gentle Care for Sore Gums

Your gums line around the new veneers could become inflamed or tender right after treatment. Don’t’ worry; this is a temporary side effect that should go away within a few days as your gums become used to the new veneers. Be careful when brushing and flossing to reduce further irritation. A simple saline solution can also help to protect the vulnerable gums from infection. Rinse twice a day with salt water to protect your teeth and ease gum soreness. If pain or irritation does continue after the first week, contact our office for further instruction.

Schedule a Cosmetic Consultation Today

If you desire a smile that you can’t help but show off, contact our Austin, TX practice today. Our cosmetic treatments, including dental bonding, professional whitening, and porcelain veneers, are designed to help you create a more beautiful.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+