Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

How We’re Changing Smiles and Lives with Our In-House Dental Plan

close up of woman smiling

Despite knowing the financial and physical consequences of avoiding or delaying dental care, 39 percent of Americans do it anyway. This is usually a result of having to make difficult financial decisions and a lack of access to dental insurance.

Unfortunately, missing out on professional oral health care can lead to serious oral and overall health problems that cost more money and time in the long run. For example, untreated gum disease has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, premature labor, and men’s reproductive issues.

At Austin Laser Dentist, we aim to make dental care more affordable and accessible to the Austin, TX community. Our in-house dental plan was designed with our patients in mind—ones who need more extensive care and those with basic oral health needs.

The benefits of having access to affordable dental and oral health care include:

1. Lower treatment costs

As stated earlier, less frequent visits to the dentist usually result in higher treatment costs. For example, two professional cleanings and exams a year is much, much cheaper than a single dental extraction, root canal, dental crown, or gum disease treatment.

These routine appointments are also less invasive and take less time.

Another way to lower treatment costs is to sign up for one of our affordable in-house dental plans! These include cleaning and exams as well as incredible discounts on basic, restorative, and cosmetic services.

2. Less overall health issues

There is an obvious link between oral and overall health. This means that when one isn’t healthy, the other might show symptoms. For example:

  • migraines and poor sleep could be connected to bruxism
  • bleeding gums could indicate a person has hormonal issues or diabetes
  • bad bacteria breathed in from the mouth could lead to respiratory issues

When it comes to avoiding oral and overall health issues, prevention is the best policy. Practicing good oral hygiene at home is just one part of preventing these issues. Professional care is also necessary.

3. More and better job prospects

The sad truth is that people with unhealthy or unattractive smiles tend to get looked over for jobs that they are qualified for. This could be due to interviewers judging a book by its cover or because the interviewee feels less confident in the interview due to the state of his or her teeth.

Confidence is a huge factor when it comes to finding a job or even asking for a promotion. Imagine how this could impact your financial situation and overall happiness.

Helping people achieve their goals and live their best lives is part of why we love doing what we do. 

4. Better performance and attendance at school and work

Studies show that early childhood tooth decay is related to impaired development, poor behavior, low educational performance, poor quality of life, family stress, and disability. For adults, poor oral health could mean less time at work and more time at the dentist’s and doctor’s offices.

A healthy, beautiful smile improves the quality of life for children and adults—that’s why we believe oral health care should be accessible and affordable!

5. A more fulfilling life

All-in-all, we know that affordable dental care leads to a more fulfilling life. Think about all the ways a beautiful, healthy smile could impact your work, love, and home life!

For these reasons and so much more, we’re offering in-house dental plans. Click here to learn more about our membership plans. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Helen Ragsdale, call (512) 346-4690 today.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+