Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

Maximize Oral Health with an In-House Dental Plan

Have you skipped out on regular dental exams or managing oral health concerns because of the cost? If so, you’re not alone. Many Americans cannot afford dental care or don’t have dental insurance, so they opt-out of crucial dental visits. However, in-house dental plans can make dental treatments more affordable and give patients the power to select their preferred dentist.

Preventive treatment, including x-rays and cleanings, is included in our in-house dental plan. Regular dental exams maximize oral health by keeping the mouth, underlying bone, and throat healthy.

Dental Health

During dental exams, the dental team thoroughly investigates and cleans teeth. At initial visits, the dentist may take a full mouth x-ray to inspect for abnormalities that are invisible to the naked eye. X-rays detect the position of emerging and fully emerged teeth in both upper and lower jaws. They also help diagnose interdental cavities, tumors, and other unseen conditions.

While at-home brushing and flossing are essential to keeping teeth and gums healthy, professional dental cleanings keep teeth and gums in tip-top shape and stop the advancement of major dental issues between visits. Plaque is a sticky, transparent layer of bacteria that forms on enamel. When plaque isn’t removed and hardens, it transforms into tartar. Inconveniently, tartar will not budge with at-home flossing and brushing, and only a skilled dental hygienist can remove tartar. In addition to eliminating stubborn, harmful tartar, routine dental cleaning helps control bacteria that cause cavities and bad breath.

Gum Health

During cleaning, dental hygienists also take this time to identify signs of gingivitis. Gingivitis—marked by inflamed, red gums—is a reversible gum infection. Early treatment can prevent gingivitis from spreading into more severe periodontitis. When tartar builds up over time, it demolishes gingival tissues and can cause periodontal pockets to deepen and fill with pus, tartar, and bacteria. Tartar travels down the tooth and destroys the supporting tooth root and jawbone in severe cases of periodontitis. As a consequence, the tooth loosens and falls out.

Inflamed, infected gums can aggravate systemic conditions. According to the American Dental Association, there is a complementary relationship between periodontal disease and specific inflammatory health conditions, including diabetes and heart disease. For example, when treating inflammation related to gum disease, heart disease symptoms lessen (and vice versa). Keeping gum disease at bay with regular dental exams and cleanings may help reduce the impact of diseases throughout the body.

Oral Cancer

Did you know that dentists can detect the early signs of cancer at a regular dental visit? Dentists inspect the jaws, soft tissues, and throat for symptoms indicative of mouth and throat cancer, including redness, inflammation, and tissue change. The American Cancer Society reports that mouth and throat cancer affects about 1 in 60 men and 1 in 140 women. Though statistically rare, an early oral cancer diagnosis is crucial because this condition quickly spreads and becomes life-threatening.

Start Your Personalized In-House Dental Plan Today

Missing regular dental visits may not seem like a big deal, but oral health problems arise and spread like wildfire. Routine dental care reduces the risk of oral health and systemic health issues, which potentially saves time and money in the long run. By starting an in-house dental plan, patients can save money on an array of dental treatments without purchasing dental insurance. At Austin Laser Dentist, Dr. Helen Ragsdale offers in-house dental plans to fit virtually any budget and most oral health and cosmetic goals. To learn more about financing, contact us by calling (512) 346-4690 or schedule an appointment online in Austin, TX.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+