Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

6 Reasons Clear Braces are a Brilliant Option

Crooked teeth may cause you embarrassment, but there’s no reason to feel alone. 84% of adults think that bad teeth can negatively impact the personal and professional life of an individual. Invisalign® clear braces can straighten your teeth and may help you regain your self-esteem.

Practicing in Austin, TX, Dr. Helen Ragsdale is proud to create beautiful smiles in her community. Schedule an appointment today to start your journey to a straighter smile and a healthier you! 

If you’re still not sure if Invisalign is the treatment for you, here are 6 reasons clear braces may be the option you’re looking for.

1. They Work Quickly

Every case is different, but depending on your needs, Invisalign can provide the smile you want in relatively little time. The average length of treatment is 9-15 months, a time period that varies with the complexity of your situation. Patients visit our office every 4-6 weeks to monitor their progress.

2. They’re Virtually Invisible

Clear braces straighten your teeth without the unpleasant appearance of metal brackets and wire. The custom-made trays are discreet, so you can straighten your teeth without drawing more attention to your smile.

 3. Clear Braces Improve Oral Health

Crooked teeth don’t just shake your confidence, they can negatively impact your oral health. Crowded, misaligned teeth are more difficult to properly clean, and can therefore accumulate an excess of decay-causing bacteria. 

Straightening your teeth can prevent oral health complications like cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss. Additional oral health benefits include:

  • Easier dental cleanings
  • Decreased risk of trauma
  • Corrected speech
  • Improved biting and chewing
  • Lower possibility of abnormal wear

Clear braces are a quick and easy route to a straighter smile and a healthier you.

 4. We Offer Affordable Treatment

Clear braces are meant to make straightening your teeth easy, not expensive. With flexible financing options, Dr. Ragsdale and our team are here to find a payment plan that works for you. We offer a variety of monthly payment options with no interest or down payment.

A healthy smile should be accessible to everyone. Invisalign makes achieving the smile of your dreams possible.

 5. It’s a Convenient Procedure

Since the trays are removable, clear braces are a convenient option to straighten your teeth without giving up the lifestyle you love. There are no snack restrictions, and you can easily play sports or attend important events.

It is essential to wear your aligners for 20-24 hours a day for the treatment to work correctly. However, this gives you some freedom to take them out for special occasions like weddings or picture days.

6. Increased Comfort

Invisalign works gradually, shifting your teeth over time and targeting different areas each week. You can expect to feel discomfort on the days you receive a new set of aligners, but overall, the smooth aligners are much more comfortable than traditional braces. Clear braces are wire-free, so there’s no pain from a broken wire, irritation of brackets rubbing against your gums, or the discomfort of getting them tightened. 

Clear Braces in Austin, TX

Ready to improve your life with a straighter smile? Dr. Ragsdale is specially trained and certified with the Invisalign system. Her expertise can help you achieve a winning smile quickly and comfortably. 

Call our office at (512) 346-4690 or schedule an appointment online to upgrade your smile today!

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Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+