Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

The Benefits of Joining Our In-House Dental Plan

had writing "benefits" on screen

We’ve designed our in-house dental plans to be beneficial for every type of patient. Yes, even you! Cost should never inhibit a person from receiving professional dental care. Just like visiting a general practitioner, people of all ages should visit a dentist regularly to ensure their oral health isn’t suffering.

Regular dental cleaning and exam appointments are one of the most effective ways to avoid oral health problems like cavities, gum disease, oral cancer, and TMJ disorder. People who neglect to visit the dentist regularly, for whatever reason, often develop these oral health issues without even knowing. That’s one benefit of joining our in-house dental plan right there!

Continue reading to learn more about the advantages of joining our in-house dental plan:

1. Access to affordable restorative dental care

Each of our in-house dental plans offers 20%-30% off restorative dental procedures, such as dental crowns, bridges, and dentures. Restorative treatments are some of the most common among adults who have dental decay, gum disease, injured teeth, and missing teeth.

These treatments aren’t usually something that patients plan for since they are necessary for dental emergencies (in many cases). The discounted price makes this process much easier for our patients.

2. The option of cosmetic dental procedures

Though many people hope to one day undergo one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures, they often don’t because of cost. When you join our in-house dental plan, you’ll receive up to 20 percent off cosmetic dental services like teeth whitening, veneers, and oral surgery. Our premium plan also gives patients a $1,200 allowance toward orthodontics.

3. Improved overall health

Patients who are a part of our in-house dental plan gain access to 100 percent coverage on preventive treatments, making them more likely to visit the dentist at least twice a year. In addition to improving their oral health, patients often experience better overall health.

Issues like gum disease can negatively impact systemic health in several ways. For example, when the disease-causing bacteria from the mouth enter into the bloodstream, they can lead to inflammation throughout the body. This can lead to heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and contribute to diabetes complications.  

4. Transparent pricing

Every member of our in-house dental plan receives a copy of the discounts they have access to. Additionally, our team will never beat around the bush when it comes to treatment costs. And if that becomes an issue? We’ll create a treatment plan that works best for your budget.

5. Peace of mind

When you sign up to become a member of our in-house dental plan, you can trust that your oral health is in good hands. Dr. Helen Ragsdale desires to see patients of all ages and life stages achieve optimal oral health. She offers state-of-the-art, conservative, and effective dental treatments to meet every need.

Additionally, our in-house dental plan cuts out the “middleman” or insurance company. So, all your financial affairs are handled right here in our office. You’ll always know where your money is going, and our team will be close by to answer any questions.

Learn More About Our In-House Dental Plan

Wondering if this plan is right for you? Contact our friendly dental team to schedule an appointment at our office. We’ll walk you through each plan, and, if those don’t work, we can create a custom plan that meets your specific needs.

Call (512) 346-4690 today.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+