Austin Laser Dentist - Helen Ragsdale DDS, 11615 Angus Rd Ste 101, Austin 78759, United States (US) - Phone: 512 346-4690

What Makes a Smile Beautiful?

beautiful smilesA smile is the first thing others notice about you. It tells the world that you are feeling good and ready to reach out and connect. Beautiful smiles welcome others to come closer and become a friend. If you interact with others for your career, your smile is one of your most valuable assets as a worker. When a smile feels genuine, it can speak greater volumes than any words you choose.

If you are ashamed of your smile or have neglected your dental care, you are not going to feel good about sharing your smile with others. Ultimately, we all want beautiful smiles, but nature rarely gives away perfect ones. Most people must rely on the help of their dentist to correct aesthetic imperfections. That’s what personalized smile makeovers are for. If you have untreated dental issues, misaligned teeth, or pigment stains from foods and beverages, Dr. Helen Ragsdale can help you achieve your best smile.  Call 512-346-4690 for beautiful smiles, Austin TX.

What Your Smile Tells Others

Did you know that psychologists believe humans have about 16 different smiles we use to communicate non-verbally? A smile of true warmth and happiness is easy to spot because it will reach the eyes and cause wrinkles near the eyelids. A smug smile or a flirtatious smile connote different intentions, but a closed-mouth smile is worrisome. When you smile with the mouth closed—for example, if you are not comfortable showing your teeth—this conveys guardedness, that you are hiding something. If you have reasons to hide your smile, you are unconsciously sending a message that you are not comfortable opening up with others and you have something you want to conceal.

A Confident Smile is a Beautiful Smile

What it boils down to is the fact that you have to love your smile if you want it to love you back. When you feel confident that your smile is healthy and attractive, it changes how you use it. It gives you a reason to smile and the courage to be happy. Whether your smile is reserved only for your closest friends and family, or you flash it for perfect strangers—a confident smile is a beautiful smile.

What’s Standing in the Way of Your Smile?

In our dental practice, we don’t consider ourselves “tooth doctors” as much as “smile doctors.” We want to be partners with our patients, to help them achieve the healthiest and most beautiful smiles of their lives. If you have smile challenges, we’d love to be the ones to help you overcome them. That’s why we offer caring, cutting-edge dentistry to protect and preserve your smile.

What are your smile challenges?

  • I haven’t been to the dentist in forever; I’m worried about my oral health.
  • My gums bleed when I floss my teeth.
  • I have a painful toothache.
  • I experience severe anxiety at the thought of going to the dentist.
  • I hate the feeling of having my teeth cleaned.
  • My smile embarrasses me; I wish I could get a new one.
  • My teeth are crooked, stained, chipped, or misaligned.

If any of the above problems sound familiar to you, we invite you to visit Austin Laser Dentist Helen Ragsdale DDS to experience a new kind of dentistry. We have a no-tooth-shame policy at our dental clinic and we never judge our patients for their oral health. We just want you to have the best oral health of your life! Call us today at 512-346-4690 for an appointment in our north Austin TX office.


Paula is the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Austin Laser Dentist. Paula Jones – Google+