You’re eating hard candy, nuts, or perhaps crunching some ice when wham! The worst happens – a chipped tooth. Can it be saved? Does this require an emergency room visit? Can the damage, if small, simply be ignored?
It’s natural to have several questions quickly flash through your mind as you’re dealing with the shock of a chipped tooth. It’s important to know exactly what to do so that any long-term damage to your oral health can be prevented and, if possible, save the damaged tooth.
Is a chipped tooth an emergency?
Usually, a chipped tooth is not an emergency. However, a professional dental examination should be sought as soon as possible after a tooth has become chipped. Timely dental care will help prevent further damage to the tooth and importantly, prevent infection. A delay could put you at risk for losing the entire tooth.
Can a small chip of a tooth grow back on its own?
It cannot. Chipped teeth do not grow back any portion of a tooth and need to be repaired by a general dentist.
Is it possible to repair a chipped tooth?
It is! In many instances, a dental professional can cement the tooth fragment back on the tooth. In cases where restoring the original fragment is not possible, the dentist will consult with you on several other available options including:
- Bonding. A composite material made of resin is bonded to the surface of the tooth and shaped to form. Ultraviolet lights are used to dry and cement the material in place.
- Veneers. A thin shell made of porcelain designed to cover the front part of the tooth is attached and then customized for fit and color.
- Dental onlays. If only a small part of the tooth is damaged, a dental onlay may be used to repair it. Dental onlays are teeth restorations made of porcelain, resin, and sometimes gold. Onlays are used to treat damage to rear teeth that have extended to one or more cusps.
Should teeth fragments be saved?
Yes, if possible, any tooth fragments should be collected and safeguarded. Store the fragment in a glass of milk, if feasible. The calcium in the milk will help keep the tooth fragment alive. If that is not an option, the patient should insert the fragment between her gum and cheek, making sure not to swallow it. It’s important to keep the fragment moist until proper medical attention is received.
Is it ok to leave a chipped tooth untreated?
If the chip or damage to a tooth is relatively minor, it may be tempting to forgo the time and cost of treatment. However, this is something patients are cautioned against. Although it may seem like only a small part of the tooth has been affected, more of the enamel may have cracked due to the trauma experienced. Any underlying damage will only be revealed through close examination by a dental professional.
If left untreated, more extensive damage could allow bacteria to enter the tooth through cracked enamel which could lead to infection and further decay. Catching damage early minimizes the chances of more extensive damage.
Expert Chipped Tooth Repair in Austin, TX
Dr. Helen Ragsdale and the team at Austin Laser Dentist can treat chipped teeth quickly and efficiently and explain the best restorative procedure options available. If you’ve suffered minor damage to your tooth, call (512) 346-4690 as soon as possible to speak with one of our team members.